This has not been updated since 2009. Not sure if this works now
The FIX Message Viewer is a set of ruby scripts that parse FIX (Financial Information eXchange protocol) messages to display them in a more human-readable format. See the Widipedia entry for FIX for more information the FIX protocol.
The Viewer can only parse FIX messages in a file or from STDIN. It also expects a full FIX message on each line. The FIX message can be prefixed with a timestamp, but this will be ignored.
The output is colored to make it easier to read and the MsgType field is highlighted.
The log viewer works on the command line (only) and requires Ruby installed.
Install the ruby term-ansicolor gem:
$ sudo gem install term-ansicolor
Download the scripts from this github.
On your trusty bash shell:
cd /path/to/FixLogViewer
chmod +x FixLogViewer.rb
Next you need to put the FixLogViewer.rb
script in your PATH
. I have the following directory in my PATH
: $HOME/bin
. So I just sym linked the FixLogViewer.rb file in this directory.
Now you need to create an environment variable called FLV_HOME
that point to the directory where FixLogViewer.rb
lives. Then you need to put this environment variable in your .bashrc
# PUT THIS IN YOUR .bashrc
export FLV_HOME=/my/apps/FixLogViewer
# PUT THIS IN YOUR .bashrc
Now open a new terminal to test:
$ env | grep FLV_HOME
$ which FixLogViewer.rb
Thats it!
$ FixLogViewer.rb --help
Usage: FixLogViewer.rb [options] [fixlogfile]
-c, --color Generate color output
-v, --verbose Generate verbose debug output (useful for reporting/debugging errors)
-h, --help Display help message
if fixlogfile is - then read fix logs from STDIN
The output is 3 columns: Field Name, Field Value, original field and value (useful for searching). The MsgType
‘s value is presented as the message name rather than its symbol.
$ cat log1.fix
[18.06.07 07:36:46.375] FIX.4.2:RASUL->SAQIB: 8=FIX.4.2�9=234�35=X�49=SAQIB�56=RASUL�34=639�52=20070618-05:36:46.330�262=abc123xyz�268=2�279=0�269=0�278=BID-EUR/USD-SP�55=EUR/USD�270=1.33915�15=EUR�271=3000000�346=1�279=0�269=1�278=OFFER-EUR/USD-SP�55=EUR/USD�270=1.33934�15=EUR�271=5000000�346=1�10=002�
[18.06.07 07:37:44.408] FIX.4.2:RASUL->SAQIB: 8=FIX.4.2�9=234�35=X�49=SAQIB�56=RASUL�34=672�52=20070618-05:37:44.364�262=abc123xyz�268=2�279=0�269=0�278=BID-EUR/USD-SP�55=EUR/USD�270=1.33915�15=EUR�271=3000000�346=1�279=0�269=1�278=OFFER-EUR/USD-SP�55=EUR/USD�270=1.33934�15=EUR�271=5000000�346=1�10=005�
$ FixLogViewer.rb log1.fix
I, [2009-10-04T15:07:30.262018 #10554] INFO -- : got fix version FIX.4.2
BeginString = FIX.4.2 8=FIX.4.2
BodyLength = 234 9=234
MsgType = MarketDataIncrementalRefresh 35=X
SenderCompID = SAQIB 49=SAQIB
TargetCompID = RASUL 56=RASUL
MsgSeqNum = 639 34=639
SendingTime = 20070618-05:36:46.330 52=20070618-05:36:46.330
MDReqID = abc123xyz 262=abc123xyz
NoMDEntries = 2 268=2
MDUpdateAction = 0 279=0
MDEntryType = 0 269=0
Symbol = EUR/USD 55=EUR/USD
MDEntryPx = 1.33915 270=1.33915
Currency = EUR 15=EUR
MDEntrySize = 3000000 271=3000000
NumberOfOrders = 1 346=1
MDUpdateAction = 0 279=0
MDEntryType = 1 269=1
Symbol = EUR/USD 55=EUR/USD
MDEntryPx = 1.33934 270=1.33934
Currency = EUR 15=EUR
MDEntrySize = 5000000 271=5000000
NumberOfOrders = 1 346=1
CheckSum = 002 10=002
BeginString = FIX.4.2 8=FIX.4.2
BodyLength = 234 9=234
MsgType = MarketDataIncrementalRefresh 35=X
SenderCompID = SAQIB 49=SAQIB
TargetCompID = RASUL 56=RASUL
MsgSeqNum = 672 34=672
SendingTime = 20070618-05:37:44.364 52=20070618-05:37:44.364
MDReqID = abc123xyz 262=abc123xyz
NoMDEntries = 2 268=2
MDUpdateAction = 0 279=0
MDEntryType = 0 269=0
Symbol = EUR/USD 55=EUR/USD
MDEntryPx = 1.33915 270=1.33915
Currency = EUR 15=EUR
MDEntrySize = 3000000 271=3000000
NumberOfOrders = 1 346=1
MDUpdateAction = 0 279=0
MDEntryType = 1 269=1
Symbol = EUR/USD 55=EUR/USD
MDEntryPx = 1.33934 270=1.33934
Currency = EUR 15=EUR
MDEntrySize = 5000000 271=5000000
NumberOfOrders = 1 346=1
CheckSum = 005 10=005
# Color output:
$ FixLogViewer.rb -c somelogfile.fix
# Color output piped to less for paging/searching:
$ FixLogViewer.rb -c somelogfile.fix | less -r
# Grep the logs and then view them:
$ grep "35=8" somelogfile.fix | FixLogViewer.rb -c -
A great Open Source Library for FIX is QuickFixJ. To get QuickFixJ to output all FIX messages sent/received into a separate file that can then be parsed by this Fix Log Viewer, put the following in your QuickFixJ Log4j config:
# fixmessage configuration
# set pattern to just "[Date] message"
log4j.appender.fixmessage.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{[dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss.SSS]} %m%n
#set quickfix.msg category to DEBUG (This category reaches just the FIX messages)
log4j.logger.quickfixj.msg=DEBUG, fixmessage