multi-threaded orthodox file manager
# debian, ubuntu...
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools google-mock
# arch
sudo pacman -S boost qt5-base qt5-quickcontrols gtest gmock
./waf configure
./waf install_release
Download and build Boost.
b2.exe -a -d0 -j4 variant=debug,release link=shared runtime-link=shared threading=multi --build-type=complete stage [address-model=64]
Note: if you have a link error when configuring the project, make sure you used the right address model when building boost.
If you don't want to build Boost, download BlueGo and build Boost with it. Or check the blog for prebuilt libs.
Download and install Qt.
Google Test is optional, but if you want to build the unit tests, make sure you built gtest with multi-threading (MD) and for x64, based on your platform.
Edit env.bat and specify where Boost and Qt are located.
run.bat release
release.bat install
cd bin\release