Build-less web component based PWA App Shell with router example, works in Chrome
npm install
node index.js && open http://localhost:9080/
- index.js - node.js web server to serve static assets and incept the app shell when needed
- index.html - basic app shell with app-router component that switches pages
- scripts
- shadow-render.js - a shim(ish) for common rendering across shadow DOM and non-shadow DOM browsers
- router.js - the app-router and app-route web components
- ps-anchor.js - an upgrading web component to make local router calls for tags
- product-name.js - a simple web component that outputs the productName attribute given
- css
- main.css - only colors the header, body and footer to show the app shell concept
- pages
- home-page.html - based home page body content
- not-found-page.html - default page for when the router doesn't know what to do
- TODO - just have the router execute the request back to the server instead of serving this
- page-2.html - another template page
- product-name.html - shim html page to define the component via <script> tag