Add numbered selection to ido-mode.
Buffer: {0 .emacs | 1 *Messages* | 2 *scratch* | 3 *shell*}
If you press a number (like "1") it will go to that buffer (i.e. Messages in the example above).
0 does not go to the 0th buffer (just hit enter)
In order to turn this on, you must use ido-mode, and turn on ido-mode first.
e.g. your .emacs should have
(require 'ido-mode)
(ido-mode 1)
(require 'ido-numbered-mode)
(ido-numbered-mode 1)
Go to the directory containing your emacs configuration files
$ cd .emacs.d
Clone this repository
$ git clone
Open up your emacs configuration file (usually ~/.emacs)
Add this to the top of your .emacs file, to make sure the code is on the load path:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/ido-numbered-mode/")
Add this to your .emacs file to turn on ido-mode and ido-numbered-mode
(require 'ido-mode)
(ido-mode 1)
(require 'ido-numbered-mode)
(ido-numbered-mode 1)
This caches ido-completions, so you could get wonky behavior if you turn it on and off frequently and have other packages that modify ido-completions (e.g. ido-vertical-mode)