This repository has been archived, the tool never reached a usable state and priorities shifted.
The Rest API provides programmatic access to command and control a NiFi instance in real time. Start and stop processors, monitor queues, query provenance data, and more. Each endpoint below includes a description, definitions of the expected input and output, potential response codes, and the authorizations required to invoke each service.
For more information, please visit
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.16.0
- Package version: 1.16.0
- Build package:
Put the package under your project folder in a directory named openapi
and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
openapi = { path = "./openapi" }
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/nifi-api
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccessApi | create_access_token | POST /access/token | Creates a token for accessing the REST API via username/password |
AccessApi | create_access_token_from_ticket | POST /access/kerberos | Creates a token for accessing the REST API via Kerberos ticket exchange / SPNEGO negotiation |
AccessApi | get_access_status | GET /access | Gets the status the client's access |
AccessApi | get_login_config | GET /access/config | Retrieves the access configuration for this NiFi |
AccessApi | knox_callback | GET /access/knox/callback | Redirect/callback URI for processing the result of the Apache Knox login sequence. |
AccessApi | knox_logout | GET /access/knox/logout | Performs a logout in the Apache Knox. |
AccessApi | knox_request | GET /access/knox/request | Initiates a request to authenticate through Apache Knox. |
AccessApi | log_out | DELETE /access/logout | Performs a logout for other providers that have been issued a JWT. |
AccessApi | log_out_complete | GET /access/logout/complete | Completes the logout sequence by removing the cached Logout Request and Cookie if they existed and redirects to /nifi/login. |
AccessoidcApi | oidc_callback | GET /access/oidc/callback | Redirect/callback URI for processing the result of the OpenId Connect login sequence. |
AccessoidcApi | oidc_exchange | POST /access/oidc/exchange | Retrieves a JWT following a successful login sequence using the configured OpenId Connect provider. |
AccessoidcApi | oidc_logout | GET /access/oidc/logout | Performs a logout in the OpenId Provider. |
AccessoidcApi | oidc_logout_callback | GET /access/oidc/logoutCallback | Redirect/callback URI for processing the result of the OpenId Connect logout sequence. |
AccessoidcApi | oidc_request | GET /access/oidc/request | Initiates a request to authenticate through the configured OpenId Connect provider. |
AccesssamlApi | saml_local_logout | GET /access/saml/local-logout | Local logout when SAML is enabled, does not communicate with the IDP. |
AccesssamlApi | saml_login_exchange | POST /access/saml/login/exchange | Retrieves a JWT following a successful login sequence using the configured SAML identity provider. |
AccesssamlApi | saml_login_http_post_consumer | POST /access/saml/login/consumer | Processes the SSO response from the SAML identity provider for HTTP-POST binding. |
AccesssamlApi | saml_login_http_redirect_consumer | GET /access/saml/login/consumer | Processes the SSO response from the SAML identity provider for HTTP-REDIRECT binding. |
AccesssamlApi | saml_login_request | GET /access/saml/login/request | Initiates an SSO request to the configured SAML identity provider. |
AccesssamlApi | saml_metadata | GET /access/saml/metadata | Retrieves the service provider metadata. |
AccesssamlApi | saml_single_logout_http_post_consumer | POST /access/saml/single-logout/consumer | Processes a SingleLogout message from the configured SAML identity provider using the HTTP-POST binding. |
AccesssamlApi | saml_single_logout_http_redirect_consumer | GET /access/saml/single-logout/consumer | Processes a SingleLogout message from the configured SAML identity provider using the HTTP-REDIRECT binding. |
AccesssamlApi | saml_single_logout_request | GET /access/saml/single-logout/request | Initiates a logout request using the SingleLogout service of the configured SAML identity provider. |
ConnectionsApi | delete_connection | DELETE /connections/{id} | Deletes a connection |
ConnectionsApi | get_connection | GET /connections/{id} | Gets a connection |
ConnectionsApi | update_connection | PUT /connections/{id} | Updates a connection |
ControllerApi | create_bulletin | POST /controller/bulletin | Creates a new bulletin |
ControllerApi | create_controller_service | POST /controller/controller-services | Creates a new controller service |
ControllerApi | create_registry_client | POST /controller/registry-clients | Creates a new registry client |
ControllerApi | create_reporting_task | POST /controller/reporting-tasks | Creates a new reporting task |
ControllerApi | delete_history | DELETE /controller/history | Purges history |
ControllerApi | delete_node | DELETE /controller/cluster/nodes/{id} | Removes a node from the cluster |
ControllerApi | delete_registry_client | DELETE /controller/registry-clients/{id} | Deletes a registry client |
ControllerApi | get_cluster | GET /controller/cluster | Gets the contents of the cluster |
ControllerApi | get_controller_config | GET /controller/config | Retrieves the configuration for this NiFi Controller |
ControllerApi | get_node | GET /controller/cluster/nodes/{id} | Gets a node in the cluster |
ControllerApi | get_node_status_history | GET /controller/status/history | Gets status history for the node |
ControllerApi | get_registry_client | GET /controller/registry-clients/{id} | Gets a registry client |
ControllerApi | get_registry_clients | GET /controller/registry-clients | Gets the listing of available registry clients |
ControllerApi | update_controller_config | PUT /controller/config | Retrieves the configuration for this NiFi |
ControllerApi | update_node | PUT /controller/cluster/nodes/{id} | Updates a node in the cluster |
ControllerApi | update_registry_client | PUT /controller/registry-clients/{id} | Updates a registry client |
ControllerServicesApi | analyze_configuration | POST /controller-services/{id}/config/analysis | Performs analysis of the component's configuration, providing information about which attributes are referenced. |
ControllerServicesApi | clear_state | POST /controller-services/{id}/state/clear-requests | Clears the state for a controller service |
ControllerServicesApi | delete_validation_request | DELETE /controller-services/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Deletes the Verification Request with the given ID |
ControllerServicesApi | get_controller_service | GET /controller-services/{id} | Gets a controller service |
ControllerServicesApi | get_controller_service_references | GET /controller-services/{id}/references | Gets a controller service |
ControllerServicesApi | get_property_descriptor | GET /controller-services/{id}/descriptors | Gets a controller service property descriptor |
ControllerServicesApi | get_state | GET /controller-services/{id}/state | Gets the state for a controller service |
ControllerServicesApi | get_verification_request | GET /controller-services/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Returns the Verification Request with the given ID |
ControllerServicesApi | remove_controller_service | DELETE /controller-services/{id} | Deletes a controller service |
ControllerServicesApi | submit_config_verification_request | POST /controller-services/{id}/config/verification-requests | Performs verification of the Controller Service's configuration |
ControllerServicesApi | update_controller_service | PUT /controller-services/{id} | Updates a controller service |
ControllerServicesApi | update_controller_service_references | PUT /controller-services/{id}/references | Updates a controller services references |
ControllerServicesApi | update_run_status | PUT /controller-services/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of a controller service |
CountersApi | get_counters | GET /counters | Gets the current counters for this NiFi |
CountersApi | update_counter | PUT /counters/{id} | Updates the specified counter. This will reset the counter value to 0 |
DataTransferApi | commit_input_port_transaction | DELETE /data-transfer/input-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Commit or cancel the specified transaction |
DataTransferApi | commit_output_port_transaction | DELETE /data-transfer/output-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Commit or cancel the specified transaction |
DataTransferApi | create_port_transaction | POST /data-transfer/{portType}/{portId}/transactions | Create a transaction to the specified output port or input port |
DataTransferApi | extend_input_port_transaction_ttl | PUT /data-transfer/input-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Extend transaction TTL |
DataTransferApi | extend_output_port_transaction_ttl | PUT /data-transfer/output-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Extend transaction TTL |
DataTransferApi | receive_flow_files | POST /data-transfer/input-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId}/flow-files | Transfer flow files to the input port |
DataTransferApi | transfer_flow_files | GET /data-transfer/output-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId}/flow-files | Transfer flow files from the output port |
FlowApi | activate_controller_services | PUT /flow/process-groups/{id}/controller-services | Enable or disable Controller Services in the specified Process Group. |
FlowApi | generate_client_id | GET /flow/client-id | Generates a client id. |
FlowApi | get_about_info | GET /flow/about | Retrieves details about this NiFi to put in the About dialog |
FlowApi | get_action | GET /flow/history/{id} | Gets an action |
FlowApi | get_banners | GET /flow/banners | Retrieves the banners for this NiFi |
FlowApi | get_buckets | GET /flow/registries/{id}/buckets | Gets the buckets from the specified registry for the current user |
FlowApi | get_bulletin_board | GET /flow/bulletin-board | Gets current bulletins |
FlowApi | get_bulletins | GET /flow/controller/bulletins | Retrieves Controller level bulletins |
FlowApi | get_cluster_summary | GET /flow/cluster/summary | The cluster summary for this NiFi |
FlowApi | get_component_history | GET /flow/history/components/{componentId} | Gets configuration history for a component |
FlowApi | get_connection_statistics | GET /flow/connections/{id}/statistics | Gets statistics for a connection |
FlowApi | get_connection_status | GET /flow/connections/{id}/status | Gets status for a connection |
FlowApi | get_connection_status_history | GET /flow/connections/{id}/status/history | Gets the status history for a connection |
FlowApi | get_controller_service_types | GET /flow/controller-service-types | Retrieves the types of controller services that this NiFi supports |
FlowApi | get_controller_services_from_controller | GET /flow/controller/controller-services | Gets controller services for reporting tasks |
FlowApi | get_controller_services_from_group | GET /flow/process-groups/{id}/controller-services | Gets all controller services |
FlowApi | get_controller_status | GET /flow/status | Gets the current status of this NiFi |
FlowApi | get_current_user | GET /flow/current-user | Retrieves the user identity of the user making the request |
FlowApi | get_flow | GET /flow/process-groups/{id} | Gets a process group |
FlowApi | get_flow_config | GET /flow/config | Retrieves the configuration for this NiFi flow |
FlowApi | get_flow_metrics | GET /flow/metrics/{producer} | Gets all metrics for the flow from a particular node |
FlowApi | get_flows | GET /flow/registries/{registry-id}/buckets/{bucket-id}/flows | Gets the flows from the specified registry and bucket for the current user |
FlowApi | get_input_port_status | GET /flow/input-ports/{id}/status | Gets status for an input port |
FlowApi | get_output_port_status | GET /flow/output-ports/{id}/status | Gets status for an output port |
FlowApi | get_parameter_contexts | GET /flow/parameter-contexts | Gets all Parameter Contexts |
FlowApi | get_prioritizers | GET /flow/prioritizers | Retrieves the types of prioritizers that this NiFi supports |
FlowApi | get_process_group_status | GET /flow/process-groups/{id}/status | Gets the status for a process group |
FlowApi | get_process_group_status_history | GET /flow/process-groups/{id}/status/history | Gets status history for a remote process group |
FlowApi | get_processor_status | GET /flow/processors/{id}/status | Gets status for a processor |
FlowApi | get_processor_status_history | GET /flow/processors/{id}/status/history | Gets status history for a processor |
FlowApi | get_processor_types | GET /flow/processor-types | Retrieves the types of processors that this NiFi supports |
FlowApi | get_registries | GET /flow/registries | Gets the listing of available registries |
FlowApi | get_remote_process_group_status | GET /flow/remote-process-groups/{id}/status | Gets status for a remote process group |
FlowApi | get_remote_process_group_status_history | GET /flow/remote-process-groups/{id}/status/history | Gets the status history |
FlowApi | get_reporting_task_types | GET /flow/reporting-task-types | Retrieves the types of reporting tasks that this NiFi supports |
FlowApi | get_reporting_tasks | GET /flow/reporting-tasks | Gets all reporting tasks |
FlowApi | get_runtime_manifest | GET /flow/runtime-manifest | Retrieves the runtime manifest for this NiFi instance. |
FlowApi | get_templates | GET /flow/templates | Gets all templates |
FlowApi | get_versions | GET /flow/registries/{registry-id}/buckets/{bucket-id}/flows/{flow-id}/versions | Gets the flow versions from the specified registry and bucket for the specified flow for the current user |
FlowApi | query_history | GET /flow/history | Gets configuration history |
FlowApi | schedule_components | PUT /flow/process-groups/{id} | Schedule or unschedule components in the specified Process Group. |
FlowApi | search_cluster | GET /flow/cluster/search-results | Searches the cluster for a node with the specified address |
FlowApi | search_flow | GET /flow/search-results | Performs a search against this NiFi using the specified search term |
FlowfileQueuesApi | create_drop_request | POST /flowfile-queues/{id}/drop-requests | Creates a request to drop the contents of the queue in this connection. |
FlowfileQueuesApi | create_flow_file_listing | POST /flowfile-queues/{id}/listing-requests | Lists the contents of the queue in this connection. |
FlowfileQueuesApi | delete_listing_request | DELETE /flowfile-queues/{id}/listing-requests/{listing-request-id} | Cancels and/or removes a request to list the contents of this connection. |
FlowfileQueuesApi | download_flow_file_content | GET /flowfile-queues/{id}/flowfiles/{flowfile-uuid}/content | Gets the content for a FlowFile in a Connection. |
FlowfileQueuesApi | get_drop_request | GET /flowfile-queues/{id}/drop-requests/{drop-request-id} | Gets the current status of a drop request for the specified connection. |
FlowfileQueuesApi | get_flow_file | GET /flowfile-queues/{id}/flowfiles/{flowfile-uuid} | Gets a FlowFile from a Connection. |
FlowfileQueuesApi | get_listing_request | GET /flowfile-queues/{id}/listing-requests/{listing-request-id} | Gets the current status of a listing request for the specified connection. |
FlowfileQueuesApi | remove_drop_request | DELETE /flowfile-queues/{id}/drop-requests/{drop-request-id} | Cancels and/or removes a request to drop the contents of this connection. |
FunnelApi | get_funnel | GET /funnels/{id} | Gets a funnel |
FunnelApi | remove_funnel | DELETE /funnels/{id} | Deletes a funnel |
FunnelApi | update_funnel | PUT /funnels/{id} | Updates a funnel |
InputPortsApi | get_input_port | GET /input-ports/{id} | Gets an input port |
InputPortsApi | remove_input_port | DELETE /input-ports/{id} | Deletes an input port |
InputPortsApi | update_input_port | PUT /input-ports/{id} | Updates an input port |
InputPortsApi | update_run_status | PUT /input-ports/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of an input-port |
LabelsApi | get_label | GET /labels/{id} | Gets a label |
LabelsApi | remove_label | DELETE /labels/{id} | Deletes a label |
LabelsApi | update_label | PUT /labels/{id} | Updates a label |
OutputPortsApi | get_output_port | GET /output-ports/{id} | Gets an output port |
OutputPortsApi | remove_output_port | DELETE /output-ports/{id} | Deletes an output port |
OutputPortsApi | update_output_port | PUT /output-ports/{id} | Updates an output port |
OutputPortsApi | update_run_status | PUT /output-ports/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of an output-port |
ParameterContextsApi | create_parameter_context | POST /parameter-contexts | Create a Parameter Context |
ParameterContextsApi | delete_parameter_context | DELETE /parameter-contexts/{id} | Deletes the Parameter Context with the given ID |
ParameterContextsApi | delete_update_request | DELETE /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/update-requests/{requestId} | Deletes the Update Request with the given ID |
ParameterContextsApi | delete_validation_request | DELETE /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/validation-requests/{id} | Deletes the Validation Request with the given ID |
ParameterContextsApi | get_parameter_context | GET /parameter-contexts/{id} | Returns the Parameter Context with the given ID |
ParameterContextsApi | get_parameter_context_update | GET /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/update-requests/{requestId} | Returns the Update Request with the given ID |
ParameterContextsApi | get_validation_request | GET /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/validation-requests/{id} | Returns the Validation Request with the given ID |
ParameterContextsApi | submit_parameter_context_update | POST /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/update-requests | Initiate the Update Request of a Parameter Context |
ParameterContextsApi | submit_validation_request | POST /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/validation-requests | Initiate a Validation Request to determine how the validity of components will change if a Parameter Context were to be updated |
ParameterContextsApi | update_parameter_context | PUT /parameter-contexts/{id} | Modifies a Parameter Context |
PoliciesApi | create_access_policy | POST /policies | Creates an access policy |
PoliciesApi | get_access_policy | GET /policies/{id} | Gets an access policy |
PoliciesApi | get_access_policy_for_resource | GET /policies/{action}/{resource} | Gets an access policy for the specified action and resource |
PoliciesApi | remove_access_policy | DELETE /policies/{id} | Deletes an access policy |
PoliciesApi | update_access_policy | PUT /policies/{id} | Updates a access policy |
ProcessGroupsApi | copy_snippet | POST /process-groups/{id}/snippet-instance | Copies a snippet and discards it. |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_connection | POST /process-groups/{id}/connections | Creates a connection |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_controller_service | POST /process-groups/{id}/controller-services | Creates a new controller service |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_empty_all_connections_request | POST /process-groups/{id}/empty-all-connections-requests | Creates a request to drop all flowfiles of all connection queues in this process group. |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_funnel | POST /process-groups/{id}/funnels | Creates a funnel |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_input_port | POST /process-groups/{id}/input-ports | Creates an input port |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_label | POST /process-groups/{id}/labels | Creates a label |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_output_port | POST /process-groups/{id}/output-ports | Creates an output port |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_process_group | POST /process-groups/{id}/process-groups | Creates a process group |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_processor | POST /process-groups/{id}/processors | Creates a new processor |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_remote_process_group | POST /process-groups/{id}/remote-process-groups | Creates a new process group |
ProcessGroupsApi | create_template | POST /process-groups/{id}/templates | Creates a template and discards the specified snippet. |
ProcessGroupsApi | delete_replace_process_group_request | DELETE /process-groups/replace-requests/{id} | Deletes the Replace Request with the given ID |
ProcessGroupsApi | delete_variable_registry_update_request | DELETE /process-groups/{groupId}/variable-registry/update-requests/{updateId} | Deletes an update request for a process group's variable registry. If the request is not yet complete, it will automatically be cancelled. |
ProcessGroupsApi | export_process_group | GET /process-groups/{id}/download | Gets a process group for download |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_connections | GET /process-groups/{id}/connections | Gets all connections |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_drop_all_flowfiles_request | GET /process-groups/{id}/empty-all-connections-requests/{drop-request-id} | Gets the current status of a drop all flowfiles request. |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_funnels | GET /process-groups/{id}/funnels | Gets all funnels |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_input_ports | GET /process-groups/{id}/input-ports | Gets all input ports |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_labels | GET /process-groups/{id}/labels | Gets all labels |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_local_modifications | GET /process-groups/{id}/local-modifications | Gets a list of local modifications to the Process Group since it was last synchronized with the Flow Registry |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_output_ports | GET /process-groups/{id}/output-ports | Gets all output ports |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_process_group | GET /process-groups/{id} | Gets a process group |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_process_groups | GET /process-groups/{id}/process-groups | Gets all process groups |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_processors | GET /process-groups/{id}/processors | Gets all processors |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_remote_process_groups | GET /process-groups/{id}/remote-process-groups | Gets all remote process groups |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_replace_process_group_request | GET /process-groups/replace-requests/{id} | Returns the Replace Request with the given ID |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_variable_registry | GET /process-groups/{id}/variable-registry | Gets a process group's variable registry |
ProcessGroupsApi | get_variable_registry_update_request | GET /process-groups/{groupId}/variable-registry/update-requests/{updateId} | Gets a process group's variable registry |
ProcessGroupsApi | import_process_group | POST /process-groups/{id}/process-groups/import | Imports a specified process group |
ProcessGroupsApi | import_template | POST /process-groups/{id}/templates/import | Imports a template |
ProcessGroupsApi | initiate_replace_process_group | POST /process-groups/{id}/replace-requests | Initiate the Replace Request of a Process Group with the given ID |
ProcessGroupsApi | instantiate_template | POST /process-groups/{id}/template-instance | Instantiates a template |
ProcessGroupsApi | remove_drop_request | DELETE /process-groups/{id}/empty-all-connections-requests/{drop-request-id} | Cancels and/or removes a request to drop all flowfiles. |
ProcessGroupsApi | remove_process_group | DELETE /process-groups/{id} | Deletes a process group |
ProcessGroupsApi | replace_process_group | PUT /process-groups/{id}/flow-contents | Replace Process Group contents with the given ID with the specified Process Group contents |
ProcessGroupsApi | submit_update_variable_registry_request | POST /process-groups/{id}/variable-registry/update-requests | Submits a request to update a process group's variable registry |
ProcessGroupsApi | update_process_group | PUT /process-groups/{id} | Updates a process group |
ProcessGroupsApi | update_variable_registry | PUT /process-groups/{id}/variable-registry | Updates the contents of a Process Group's variable Registry |
ProcessGroupsApi | upload_process_group | POST /process-groups/{id}/process-groups/upload | Uploads a versioned flow definition and creates a process group |
ProcessGroupsApi | upload_template | POST /process-groups/{id}/templates/upload | Uploads a template |
ProcessorsApi | analyze_configuration | POST /processors/{id}/config/analysis | Performs analysis of the component's configuration, providing information about which attributes are referenced. |
ProcessorsApi | clear_state | POST /processors/{id}/state/clear-requests | Clears the state for a processor |
ProcessorsApi | delete_processor | DELETE /processors/{id} | Deletes a processor |
ProcessorsApi | delete_verification_request | DELETE /processors/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Deletes the Verification Request with the given ID |
ProcessorsApi | get_processor | GET /processors/{id} | Gets a processor |
ProcessorsApi | get_processor_diagnostics | GET /processors/{id}/diagnostics | Gets diagnostics information about a processor |
ProcessorsApi | get_processor_run_status_details | POST /processors/run-status-details/queries | Submits a query to retrieve the run status details of all processors that are in the given list of Processor IDs |
ProcessorsApi | get_property_descriptor | GET /processors/{id}/descriptors | Gets the descriptor for a processor property |
ProcessorsApi | get_state | GET /processors/{id}/state | Gets the state for a processor |
ProcessorsApi | get_verification_request | GET /processors/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Returns the Verification Request with the given ID |
ProcessorsApi | submit_processor_verification_request | POST /processors/{id}/config/verification-requests | Performs verification of the Processor's configuration |
ProcessorsApi | terminate_processor | DELETE /processors/{id}/threads | Terminates a processor, essentially "deleting" its threads and any active tasks |
ProcessorsApi | update_processor | PUT /processors/{id} | Updates a processor |
ProcessorsApi | update_run_status | PUT /processors/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of a processor |
ProvenanceApi | delete_lineage | DELETE /provenance/lineage/{id} | Deletes a lineage query |
ProvenanceApi | delete_provenance | DELETE /provenance/{id} | Deletes a provenance query |
ProvenanceApi | get_lineage | GET /provenance/lineage/{id} | Gets a lineage query |
ProvenanceApi | get_provenance | GET /provenance/{id} | Gets a provenance query |
ProvenanceApi | get_search_options | GET /provenance/search-options | Gets the searchable attributes for provenance events |
ProvenanceApi | submit_lineage_request | POST /provenance/lineage | Submits a lineage query |
ProvenanceApi | submit_provenance_request | POST /provenance | Submits a provenance query |
ProvenanceEventsApi | get_input_content | GET /provenance-events/{id}/content/input | Gets the input content for a provenance event |
ProvenanceEventsApi | get_output_content | GET /provenance-events/{id}/content/output | Gets the output content for a provenance event |
ProvenanceEventsApi | get_provenance_event | GET /provenance-events/{id} | Gets a provenance event |
ProvenanceEventsApi | submit_replay | POST /provenance-events/replays | Replays content from a provenance event |
RemoteProcessGroupsApi | get_remote_process_group | GET /remote-process-groups/{id} | Gets a remote process group |
RemoteProcessGroupsApi | get_state | GET /remote-process-groups/{id}/state | Gets the state for a RemoteProcessGroup |
RemoteProcessGroupsApi | remove_remote_process_group | DELETE /remote-process-groups/{id} | Deletes a remote process group |
RemoteProcessGroupsApi | update_remote_process_group | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id} | Updates a remote process group |
RemoteProcessGroupsApi | update_remote_process_group_input_port | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id}/input-ports/{port-id} | Updates a remote port |
RemoteProcessGroupsApi | update_remote_process_group_input_port_run_status | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id}/input-ports/{port-id}/run-status | Updates run status of a remote port |
RemoteProcessGroupsApi | update_remote_process_group_output_port | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id}/output-ports/{port-id} | Updates a remote port |
RemoteProcessGroupsApi | update_remote_process_group_output_port_run_status | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id}/output-ports/{port-id}/run-status | Updates run status of a remote port |
RemoteProcessGroupsApi | update_remote_process_group_run_status | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of a remote process group |
RemoteProcessGroupsApi | update_remote_process_group_run_statuses | PUT /remote-process-groups/process-group/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of all remote process groups in a process group (recursively) |
ReportingTasksApi | analyze_configuration | POST /reporting-tasks/{id}/config/analysis | Performs analysis of the component's configuration, providing information about which attributes are referenced. |
ReportingTasksApi | clear_state | POST /reporting-tasks/{id}/state/clear-requests | Clears the state for a reporting task |
ReportingTasksApi | delete_validation_request | DELETE /reporting-tasks/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Deletes the Verification Request with the given ID |
ReportingTasksApi | get_property_descriptor | GET /reporting-tasks/{id}/descriptors | Gets a reporting task property descriptor |
ReportingTasksApi | get_reporting_task | GET /reporting-tasks/{id} | Gets a reporting task |
ReportingTasksApi | get_state | GET /reporting-tasks/{id}/state | Gets the state for a reporting task |
ReportingTasksApi | get_verification_request | GET /reporting-tasks/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Returns the Verification Request with the given ID |
ReportingTasksApi | remove_reporting_task | DELETE /reporting-tasks/{id} | Deletes a reporting task |
ReportingTasksApi | submit_config_verification_request | POST /reporting-tasks/{id}/config/verification-requests | Performs verification of the Reporting Task's configuration |
ReportingTasksApi | update_reporting_task | PUT /reporting-tasks/{id} | Updates a reporting task |
ReportingTasksApi | update_run_status | PUT /reporting-tasks/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of a reporting task |
ResourcesApi | get_resources | GET /resources | Gets the available resources that support access/authorization policies |
SiteToSiteApi | get_peers | GET /site-to-site/peers | Returns the available Peers and its status of this NiFi |
SiteToSiteApi | get_site_to_site_details | GET /site-to-site | Returns the details about this NiFi necessary to communicate via site to site |
SnippetsApi | create_snippet | POST /snippets | Creates a snippet. The snippet will be automatically discarded if not used in a subsequent request after 1 minute. |
SnippetsApi | delete_snippet | DELETE /snippets/{id} | Deletes the components in a snippet and discards the snippet |
SnippetsApi | update_snippet | PUT /snippets/{id} | Move's the components in this Snippet into a new Process Group and discards the snippet |
SystemDiagnosticsApi | get_system_diagnostics | GET /system-diagnostics | Gets the diagnostics for the system NiFi is running on |
TemplatesApi | export_template | GET /templates/{id}/download | Exports a template |
TemplatesApi | remove_template | DELETE /templates/{id} | Deletes a template |
TenantsApi | create_user | POST /tenants/users | Creates a user |
TenantsApi | create_user_group | POST /tenants/user-groups | Creates a user group |
TenantsApi | get_user | GET /tenants/users/{id} | Gets a user |
TenantsApi | get_user_group | GET /tenants/user-groups/{id} | Gets a user group |
TenantsApi | get_user_groups | GET /tenants/user-groups | Gets all user groups |
TenantsApi | get_users | GET /tenants/users | Gets all users |
TenantsApi | remove_user | DELETE /tenants/users/{id} | Deletes a user |
TenantsApi | remove_user_group | DELETE /tenants/user-groups/{id} | Deletes a user group |
TenantsApi | search_tenants | GET /tenants/search-results | Searches for a tenant with the specified identity |
TenantsApi | update_user | PUT /tenants/users/{id} | Updates a user |
TenantsApi | update_user_group | PUT /tenants/user-groups/{id} | Updates a user group |
VersionsApi | create_version_control_request | POST /versions/active-requests | Create a version control request |
VersionsApi | delete_revert_request | DELETE /versions/revert-requests/{id} | Deletes the Revert Request with the given ID |
VersionsApi | delete_update_request | DELETE /versions/update-requests/{id} | Deletes the Update Request with the given ID |
VersionsApi | delete_version_control_request | DELETE /versions/active-requests/{id} | Deletes the version control request with the given ID |
VersionsApi | export_flow_version | GET /versions/process-groups/{id}/download | Gets the latest version of a Process Group for download |
VersionsApi | get_revert_request | GET /versions/revert-requests/{id} | Returns the Revert Request with the given ID |
VersionsApi | get_update_request | GET /versions/update-requests/{id} | Returns the Update Request with the given ID |
VersionsApi | get_version_information | GET /versions/process-groups/{id} | Gets the Version Control information for a process group |
VersionsApi | initiate_revert_flow_version | POST /versions/revert-requests/process-groups/{id} | Initiate the Revert Request of a Process Group with the given ID |
VersionsApi | initiate_version_control_update | POST /versions/update-requests/process-groups/{id} | Initiate the Update Request of a Process Group with the given ID |
VersionsApi | save_to_flow_registry | POST /versions/process-groups/{id} | Save the Process Group with the given ID |
VersionsApi | stop_version_control | DELETE /versions/process-groups/{id} | Stops version controlling the Process Group with the given ID |
VersionsApi | update_flow_version | PUT /versions/process-groups/{id} | Update the version of a Process Group with the given ID |
VersionsApi | update_version_control_request | PUT /versions/active-requests/{id} | Updates the request with the given ID |
- AboutDto
- AboutEntity
- AccessConfigurationDto
- AccessConfigurationEntity
- AccessPolicyDto
- AccessPolicyEntity
- AccessPolicySummaryDto
- AccessPolicySummaryEntity
- AccessStatusDto
- AccessStatusEntity
- ActionDto
- ActionEntity
- ActivateControllerServicesEntity
- AffectedComponentDto
- AffectedComponentEntity
- AllowableValueDto
- AllowableValueEntity
- AttributeDto
- BannerDto
- BannerEntity
- BatchSettingsDto
- BatchSize
- Bucket
- BucketDto
- BucketEntity
- BucketsEntity
- BuildInfo
- BulletinBoardDto
- BulletinBoardEntity
- BulletinDto
- BulletinEntity
- Bundle
- BundleDto
- ClassLoaderDiagnosticsDto
- ClusteSummaryEntity
- ClusterDto
- ClusterEntity
- ClusterSearchResultsEntity
- ClusterSummaryDto
- ComponentDifferenceDto
- ComponentHistoryDto
- ComponentHistoryEntity
- ComponentManifest
- ComponentReferenceDto
- ComponentReferenceEntity
- ComponentRestrictionPermissionDto
- ComponentSearchResultDto
- ComponentStateDto
- ComponentStateEntity
- ComponentValidationResultDto
- ComponentValidationResultEntity
- ComponentValidationResultsEntity
- ConfigVerificationResultDto
- ConfigurationAnalysisDto
- ConfigurationAnalysisEntity
- ConnectableComponent
- ConnectableDto
- ConnectionDiagnosticsDto
- ConnectionDiagnosticsSnapshotDto
- ConnectionDto
- ConnectionEntity
- ConnectionStatisticsDto
- ConnectionStatisticsEntity
- ConnectionStatisticsSnapshotDto
- ConnectionStatusDto
- ConnectionStatusEntity
- ConnectionStatusPredictionsSnapshotDto
- ConnectionStatusSnapshotDto
- ConnectionStatusSnapshotEntity
- ConnectionsEntity
- ControllerBulletinsEntity
- ControllerConfigurationDto
- ControllerConfigurationEntity
- ControllerDto
- ControllerEntity
- ControllerServiceApi
- ControllerServiceApiDto
- ControllerServiceDefinition
- ControllerServiceDiagnosticsDto
- ControllerServiceDto
- ControllerServiceEntity
- ControllerServiceReferencingComponentDto
- ControllerServiceReferencingComponentEntity
- ControllerServiceReferencingComponentsEntity
- ControllerServiceRunStatusEntity
- ControllerServiceStatusDto
- ControllerServiceTypesEntity
- ControllerServicesEntity
- ControllerStatusDto
- ControllerStatusEntity
- CopySnippetRequestEntity
- CounterDto
- CounterEntity
- CountersDto
- CountersEntity
- CountersSnapshotDto
- CreateActiveRequestEntity
- CreateTemplateRequestEntity
- CurrentUserEntity
- DefinedType
- DifferenceDto
- DimensionsDto
- DocumentedTypeDto
- DropRequestDto
- DropRequestEntity
- ExplicitRestrictionDto
- ExternalControllerServiceReference
- FlowBreadcrumbDto
- FlowBreadcrumbEntity
- FlowComparisonEntity
- FlowConfigurationDto
- FlowConfigurationEntity
- FlowDto
- FlowEntity
- FlowFileDto
- FlowFileEntity
- FlowFileSummaryDto
- FlowSnippetDto
- FunnelDto
- FunnelEntity
- FunnelsEntity
- GarbageCollectionDiagnosticsDto
- GarbageCollectionDto
- GcDiagnosticsSnapshotDto
- HistoryDto
- HistoryEntity
- InputPortsEntity
- InstantiateTemplateRequestEntity
- JaxbLink
- JvmControllerDiagnosticsSnapshotDto
- JvmDiagnosticsDto
- JvmDiagnosticsSnapshotDto
- JvmFlowDiagnosticsSnapshotDto
- JvmSystemDiagnosticsSnapshotDto
- LabelDto
- LabelEntity
- LabelsEntity
- LineageDto
- LineageEntity
- LineageRequestDto
- LineageResultsDto
- ListingRequestDto
- ListingRequestEntity
- LocalQueuePartitionDto
- NodeConnectionStatisticsSnapshotDto
- NodeConnectionStatusSnapshotDto
- NodeCountersSnapshotDto
- NodeDto
- NodeEntity
- NodeEventDto
- NodeJvmDiagnosticsSnapshotDto
- NodePortStatusSnapshotDto
- NodeProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDto
- NodeProcessorStatusSnapshotDto
- NodeRemoteProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDto
- NodeSearchResultDto
- NodeStatusSnapshotsDto
- NodeSystemDiagnosticsSnapshotDto
- OutputPortsEntity
- ParameterContextDto
- ParameterContextEntity
- ParameterContextReferenceDto
- ParameterContextReferenceEntity
- ParameterContextUpdateRequestDto
- ParameterContextUpdateRequestEntity
- ParameterContextUpdateStepDto
- ParameterContextValidationRequestDto
- ParameterContextValidationRequestEntity
- ParameterContextValidationStepDto
- ParameterContextsEntity
- ParameterDto
- ParameterEntity
- PeerDto
- PeersEntity
- Permissions
- PermissionsDto
- PortDto
- PortEntity
- PortRunStatusEntity
- PortStatusDto
- PortStatusEntity
- PortStatusSnapshotDto
- PortStatusSnapshotEntity
- Position
- PositionDto
- PreviousValueDto
- PrioritizerTypesEntity
- ProcessGroupDto
- ProcessGroupEntity
- ProcessGroupFlowDto
- ProcessGroupFlowEntity
- ProcessGroupImportEntity
- ProcessGroupNameDto
- ProcessGroupReplaceRequestDto
- ProcessGroupReplaceRequestEntity
- ProcessGroupStatusDto
- ProcessGroupStatusEntity
- ProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDto
- ProcessGroupStatusSnapshotEntity
- ProcessGroupsEntity
- ProcessorConfigDto
- ProcessorDefinition
- ProcessorDiagnosticsDto
- ProcessorDiagnosticsEntity
- ProcessorDto
- ProcessorEntity
- ProcessorRunStatusDetailsDto
- ProcessorRunStatusDetailsEntity
- ProcessorRunStatusEntity
- ProcessorStatusDto
- ProcessorStatusEntity
- ProcessorStatusSnapshotDto
- ProcessorStatusSnapshotEntity
- ProcessorTypesEntity
- ProcessorsEntity
- ProcessorsRunStatusDetailsEntity
- PropertyAllowableValue
- PropertyDependency
- PropertyDependencyDto
- PropertyDescriptor
- PropertyDescriptorDto
- PropertyDescriptorEntity
- PropertyHistoryDto
- PropertyResourceDefinition
- ProvenanceDto
- ProvenanceEntity
- ProvenanceEventDto
- ProvenanceEventEntity
- ProvenanceLinkDto
- ProvenanceNodeDto
- ProvenanceOptionsDto
- ProvenanceOptionsEntity
- ProvenanceRequestDto
- ProvenanceResultsDto
- ProvenanceSearchValueDto
- ProvenanceSearchableFieldDto
- QueueSizeDto
- RegistryClientEntity
- RegistryClientsEntity
- RegistryDto
- Relationship
- RelationshipDto
- RemotePortRunStatusEntity
- RemoteProcessGroupContentsDto
- RemoteProcessGroupDto
- RemoteProcessGroupEntity
- RemoteProcessGroupPortDto
- RemoteProcessGroupPortEntity
- RemoteProcessGroupStatusDto
- RemoteProcessGroupStatusEntity
- RemoteProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDto
- RemoteProcessGroupStatusSnapshotEntity
- RemoteProcessGroupsEntity
- RemoteQueuePartitionDto
- ReportingTaskDefinition
- ReportingTaskDto
- ReportingTaskEntity
- ReportingTaskRunStatusEntity
- ReportingTaskStatusDto
- ReportingTaskTypesEntity
- ReportingTasksEntity
- RepositoryUsageDto
- RequiredPermissionDto
- ResourceDto
- ResourcesEntity
- RevisionDto
- RevisionInfo
- RunStatusDetailsRequestEntity
- RuntimeManifest
- RuntimeManifestEntity
- ScheduleComponentsEntity
- SchedulingDefaults
- SearchResultGroupDto
- SearchResultsDto
- SearchResultsEntity
- SnippetDto
- SnippetEntity
- StartVersionControlRequestEntity
- StateEntryDto
- StateMapDto
- StatusDescriptorDto
- StatusHistoryDto
- StatusHistoryEntity
- StatusSnapshotDto
- StorageUsageDto
- SubmitReplayRequestEntity
- SystemDiagnosticsDto
- SystemDiagnosticsEntity
- SystemDiagnosticsSnapshotDto
- TemplateDto
- TemplateEntity
- TemplatesEntity
- TenantDto
- TenantEntity
- TenantsEntity
- ThreadDumpDto
- TransactionResultEntity
- UpdateControllerServiceReferenceRequestEntity
- UserDto
- UserEntity
- UserGroupDto
- UserGroupEntity
- UserGroupsEntity
- UsersEntity
- VariableDto
- VariableEntity
- VariableRegistryDto
- VariableRegistryEntity
- VariableRegistryUpdateRequestDto
- VariableRegistryUpdateRequestEntity
- VariableRegistryUpdateStepDto
- VerifyConfigRequestDto
- VerifyConfigRequestEntity
- VerifyConfigUpdateStepDto
- VersionControlComponentMappingEntity
- VersionControlInformationDto
- VersionControlInformationEntity
- VersionInfoDto
- VersionedConnection
- VersionedControllerService
- VersionedFlow
- VersionedFlowCoordinates
- VersionedFlowDto
- VersionedFlowEntity
- VersionedFlowSnapshot
- VersionedFlowSnapshotEntity
- VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata
- VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataEntity
- VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataSetEntity
- VersionedFlowUpdateRequestDto
- VersionedFlowUpdateRequestEntity
- VersionedFlowsEntity
- VersionedFunnel
- VersionedLabel
- VersionedParameter
- VersionedParameterContext
- VersionedPort
- VersionedProcessGroup
- VersionedProcessor
- VersionedPropertyDescriptor
- VersionedRemoteGroupPort
- VersionedRemoteProcessGroup
- VersionedResourceDefinition
To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:
cargo doc --open