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chrisbbreuer committed Nov 25, 2024
1 parent d926691 commit e475fe6
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313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions fixtures/input/example/0007.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
// import type { CAOptions, CertificateOptions, GenerateCertReturn, TlsOption } from './types'
// import fs from 'node:fs'
// import os from 'node:os'
// import path from 'node:path'
// import { log, runCommand } from '@stacksjs/cli'
// import forge, { pki, tls } from 'node-forge'
// import { config } from './config'
// import { debugLog, findFoldersWithFile, makeNumberPositive } from './utils'

// export interface Cert {
// certificate: string
// privateKey: string
// }

// /**
// * Generate a random serial number for the Certificate
// * @returns The serial number for the Certificate
// */
// export function generateRandomSerial(verbose?: boolean): string {
// debugLog('cert', 'Generating random serial number', verbose)
// const serialNumber = makeNumberPositive(forge.util.bytesToHex(forge.random.getBytesSync(20)))
// debugLog('cert', `Generated serial number: ${serialNumber}`, verbose)
// return serialNumber
// }

// export function calculateValidityDates(options: {
// validityDays?: number
// validityYears?: number
// notBeforeDays?: number
// verbose?: boolean
// }): { notBefore: Date, notAfter: Date } {
// const notBeforeDays = options.notBeforeDays ?? 2
// const validityDays = options.validityDays ?? (options.validityYears ? options.validityYears * 365 : 180)

// debugLog('cert', 'Calculating certificate validity dates', options.verbose)

// const notBefore = new Date( - 60 * 60 * 24 * notBeforeDays * 1000)
// const notAfter = new Date(notBefore.getTime() + validityDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

// // Normalize dates to midnight UTC
// notBefore.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
// notAfter.setUTCHours(23, 59, 59, 999)

// debugLog('cert', `Validity period: ${notBefore.toISOString()} to ${notAfter.toISOString()}`, options.verbose)

// return { notBefore, notAfter }
// }

// function generateCertificateExtensions(options: CertificateOptions) {
// const extensions = []

// // Basic Constraints
// extensions.push({
// name: 'basicConstraints',
// cA: options.isCA ?? false,
// critical: true,
// ...(options.basicConstraints || {}),
// })

// // Key Usage
// if (options.keyUsage) {
// extensions.push({
// name: 'keyUsage',
// critical: true,
// ...options.keyUsage,
// })
// }

// // Extended Key Usage
// if (options.extKeyUsage) {
// extensions.push({
// name: 'extKeyUsage',
// ...options.extKeyUsage,
// })
// }

// // Subject Alt Names
// if (options.subjectAltNames && options.subjectAltNames.length > 0) {
// extensions.push({
// name: 'subjectAltName',
// altNames: options.subjectAltNames,
// })
// }

// return extensions
// }

// export async function createRootCA(options: CAOptions = {}): Promise<GenerateCertReturn> {
// debugLog('ca', 'Creating new Root CA Certificate', options.verbose)

// const keySize = options.keySize || 2048
// debugLog('ca', `Generating ${keySize}-bit RSA key pair`, options.verbose)
// const { privateKey, publicKey } = pki.rsa.generateKeyPair(keySize)

// const attributes = [
// { shortName: 'C', value: options.countryName || config.countryName },
// { shortName: 'ST', value: options.stateName || config.stateName },
// { shortName: 'L', value: options.localityName || config.localityName },
// { shortName: 'O', value: options.organization || 'Local Development CA' },
// { shortName: 'OU', value: options.organizationalUnit || 'Certificate Authority' },
// { shortName: 'CN', value: options.commonName || 'Local Development Root CA' },
// ...(options.extraAttributes || []),
// ]

// const { notBefore, notAfter } = calculateValidityDates({
// validityYears: options.validityYears || 100,
// verbose: options.verbose,
// })

// const caCert = pki.createCertificate()
// caCert.publicKey = publicKey
// caCert.serialNumber = generateRandomSerial(options.verbose)
// caCert.validity.notBefore = notBefore
// caCert.validity.notAfter = notAfter
// caCert.setSubject(attributes)
// caCert.setIssuer(attributes)

// caCert.setExtensions([
// {
// name: 'basicConstraints',
// cA: true,
// critical: true,
// },
// {
// name: 'keyUsage',
// keyCertSign: true,
// cRLSign: true,
// critical: true,
// },
// {
// name: 'subjectKeyIdentifier',
// },
// ])

// caCert.sign(privateKey,

// return {
// certificate: pki.certificateToPem(caCert),
// privateKey: pki.privateKeyToPem(privateKey),
// notBefore,
// notAfter,
// }
// }

// export async function generateCertificate(options: CertificateOptions): Promise<GenerateCertReturn> {
// debugLog('cert', 'Generating new certificate', options.verbose)
// debugLog('cert', `Options: ${JSON.stringify(options)}`, options.verbose)

// if (!options.rootCAObject?.certificate || !options.rootCAObject?.privateKey) {
// throw new Error('Root CA certificate and private key are required')
// }

// const caCert = pki.certificateFromPem(options.rootCAObject.certificate)
// const caKey = pki.privateKeyFromPem(options.rootCAObject.privateKey)

// debugLog('cert', 'Generating 2048-bit RSA key pair for host certificate', options?.verbose)
// const keySize = 2048
// // const keySize = options.keySize || 2048
// const { privateKey, publicKey } = pki.rsa.generateKeyPair(keySize)

// // Allow for custom certificate attributes
// const attributes = options.certificateAttributes || [
// { shortName: 'C', value: options.countryName || config.countryName },
// { shortName: 'ST', value: options.stateName || config.stateName },
// { shortName: 'L', value: options.localityName || config.localityName },
// { shortName: 'O', value: options.organizationName || config.organizationName },
// { shortName: 'CN', value: options.commonName || config.commonName },
// ]

// const { notBefore, notAfter } = calculateValidityDates({
// validityDays: options.validityDays,
// verbose: options.verbose,
// })

// const cert = pki.createCertificate()
// cert.publicKey = publicKey
// cert.serialNumber = generateRandomSerial(options.verbose)
// cert.validity.notBefore = notBefore
// cert.validity.notAfter = notAfter
// cert.setSubject(attributes)
// cert.setIssuer(caCert.subject.attributes)
// cert.setExtensions(generateCertificateExtensions(options))
// cert.sign(caKey,

// return {
// certificate: pki.certificateToPem(cert),
// privateKey: pki.privateKeyToPem(privateKey),
// notBefore,
// notAfter,
// }
// }

// /**
// * Add a certificate to the system trust store and save the certificate to a file
// * @param cert
// * @param caCert
// * @param options
// * @returns The path to the stored certificate
// */
// export async function addCertToSystemTrustStoreAndSaveCert(cert: Cert, caCert: string, options?: TlsOption): Promise<string> {
// debugLog('trust', `Adding certificate to system trust store with options: ${JSON.stringify(options)}`, options?.verbose)
// debugLog('trust', 'Storing certificate and private key', options?.verbose)
// const certPath = storeCertificate(cert, options)

// debugLog('trust', 'Storing CA certificate', options?.verbose)
// const caCertPath = storeCACertificate(caCert, options)

// const platform = os.platform()
// debugLog('trust', `Detected platform: ${platform}`, options?.verbose)
// const args = 'TC, C, C'

// if (platform === 'darwin') {
// debugLog('trust', 'Adding certificate to macOS keychain', options?.verbose)
// await runCommand(
// `sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ${caCertPath}`,
// )
// }
// else if (platform === 'win32') {
// debugLog('trust', 'Adding certificate to Windows certificate store', options?.verbose)
// await runCommand(`certutil -f -v -addstore -enterprise Root ${caCertPath}`)
// }
// else if (platform === 'linux') {
// debugLog('trust', 'Adding certificate to Linux certificate store', options?.verbose)
// const rootDirectory = os.homedir()
// const targetFileName = 'cert9.db'
// debugLog('trust', `Searching for certificate databases in ${rootDirectory}`, options?.verbose)
// const foldersWithFile = findFoldersWithFile(rootDirectory, targetFileName)

// for (const folder of foldersWithFile) {
// debugLog('trust', `Processing certificate database in ${folder}`, options?.verbose)
// try {
// debugLog('trust', `Attempting to delete existing cert for ${config.commonName}`, options?.verbose)
// await runCommand(`certutil -d sql:${folder} -D -n ${config.commonName}`)
// }
// catch (error) {
// debugLog('trust', `Warning: Error deleting existing cert: ${error}`, options?.verbose)
// console.warn(`Error deleting existing cert: ${error}`)
// }

// debugLog('trust', `Adding new certificate to ${folder}`, options?.verbose)
// await runCommand(`certutil -d sql:${folder} -A -t ${args} -n ${config.commonName} -i ${caCertPath}`)

//`Cert added to ${folder}`)
// }
// }
// else {
// debugLog('trust', `Error: Unsupported platform ${platform}`, options?.verbose)
// throw new Error(`Unsupported platform: ${platform}`)
// }

// debugLog('trust', 'Certificate successfully added to system trust store', options?.verbose)
// return certPath
// }

// export function storeCertificate(cert: Cert, options?: TlsOption): string {
// debugLog('storage', `Storing certificate and private key with options: ${JSON.stringify(options)}`, options?.verbose)
// const certPath = options?.certPath || config.certPath
// const certKeyPath = options?.keyPath || config.keyPath

// debugLog('storage', `Certificate path: ${certPath}`, options?.verbose)
// debugLog('storage', `Private key path: ${certKeyPath}`, options?.verbose)

// // Ensure the directory exists before writing the file
// const certDir = path.dirname(certPath)
// if (!fs.existsSync(certDir)) {
// debugLog('storage', `Creating certificate directory: ${certDir}`, options?.verbose)
// fs.mkdirSync(certDir, { recursive: true })
// }

// debugLog('storage', 'Writing certificate file', options?.verbose)
// fs.writeFileSync(certPath, cert.certificate)

// // Ensure the directory exists before writing the file
// const certKeyDir = path.dirname(certKeyPath)
// if (!fs.existsSync(certKeyDir)) {
// debugLog('storage', `Creating private key directory: ${certKeyDir}`, options?.verbose)
// fs.mkdirSync(certKeyDir, { recursive: true })
// }

// debugLog('storage', 'Writing private key file', options?.verbose)
// fs.writeFileSync(certKeyPath, cert.privateKey)

// debugLog('storage', 'Certificate and private key stored successfully', options?.verbose)
// return certPath
// }

// /**
// * Store the CA Certificate
// * @param caCert - The CA Certificate
// * @param options - The options for storing the CA Certificate
// * @returns The path to the CA Certificate
// */
// export function storeCACertificate(caCert: string, options?: TlsOption): string {
// debugLog('storage', 'Storing CA certificate', options?.verbose)
// const caCertPath = options?.caCertPath || config.caCertPath

// debugLog('storage', `CA certificate path: ${caCertPath}`, options?.verbose)

// // Ensure the directory exists before writing the file
// const caCertDir = path.dirname(caCertPath)
// if (!fs.existsSync(caCertDir)) {
// debugLog('storage', `Creating CA certificate directory: ${caCertDir}`, options?.verbose)
// fs.mkdirSync(caCertDir, { recursive: true })
// }

// debugLog('storage', 'Writing CA certificate file', options?.verbose)
// fs.writeFileSync(caCertPath, caCert)

// debugLog('storage', 'CA certificate stored successfully', options?.verbose)
// return caCertPath
// }

// export { forge, pki, tls }

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