Submission of a technical task for Aula Tunes.
The following is required to get started
- Node 12.x
- NPM 6.x
- Docker (optional) 19.03x
- docker-compose 3.x
Run the following commands to run this application. Everything runs in memory, and doesn't need anything for permanent storage.
npm i
npm run dev
Both docker
and docker-compose
are optional, but allow you to run this application without having to install Node or NPM locally, and thus compiling code.
docker-compose up -d --build
Once the server
and client
are built and served, you should be able to access http://localhost:3000
The following features have been included:
- Ability to filter by RSS
- Search functionality which filters based on the artistName or the name of the album
- Advanced filtering of genre when clicking on a single album (powered by search and filtering as well)
- Responsive design including blurring of background when selected album is in focus
- Hard caching in play, locally, rather than on the server
The following decisions were made early on, to aid development:
- Use Create React App for speed of delivery
- Split client and server up as the RSS link provided is protected by CORS
is just a proxy to the RSS feed usingexpress
contains the CRA which houses 99% of the application- Tests are written in Jest. Snapshots used for basic component rendering and unit tests included for service and helpers
- Simplity is the aim, so CSS, HTML and JS are all that's included, along with CRA standards. No SCSS, styled-jsx, or state handling (i.e. redux) introduced.
- Component state leveraged (via hooks) to contain search, filter and genre selection
- Running
npm run build
will produce a production version of client
- Search doesn't work for singles
- Tests(s) missing for server, although this is a lightweight proxy
- A production version of this isn't included (i.e. within public)
- No deployment strategy provided to production
- Proxy http://localhost:3100 is hard coded within the service (bad)
Given more time was spent on this, I'd enhance the following:
- Better UX around closing modal (at the moment, click the overlay outside of the modal)
- Users could choose more genres rather than having one
- More powerful search that just looking at name and albumName
- Better handling of cache, having the ability to bust the cache, or expire within a certain time period
- Actually test the components, using react testing library, and not just provide snapshots
- Use docker
to contain both client and serverto demonstrate a production deployment strategy
Run the following commands to run the tests within client
cd client
npm test
PASS src/components/Album/Album.test.js
PASS src/helpers/searchFilter.test.js
PASS src/services/getFeed.test.js
PASS src/helpers/genreFilter.test.js
PASS src/components/Genre/index.test.js
PASS src/components/Modal/index.test.js
PASS src/components/Filter/index.test.js
PASS src/App.test.js
PASS src/components/Search/index.test.js
PASS src/components/Loading/index.test.js
Test Suites: 10 passed, 10 total
Tests: 19 passed, 19 total
Snapshots: 7 passed, 7 total
Time: 5.313 s, estimated 8 s
Ran all test suites.