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Home of the stellar/stellar-system-test docker image for e2e system testing

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System Test

Runing tests using the docker image:

To run tests, requires two steps: (1) First build the system test docker image with the correct versions of core,
horizon, soroban rpc, rust toolchain, soroban cli, this will create a docker image named stellar/system-test:dev.
All GIT_REF variables can refer to either a fully qualified local path to checked out git repo, or a fully qualified github remote repo url<ref>

     CORE_GIT_REF=? \
     GO_GIT_REF=? \

example of build using specific git refs, mainline from repos in this example, or use tags, branches, etc:

$ make CORE_GIT_REF= \
       CORE_COMPILE_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--disable-tests --enable-next-protocol-version-unsafe-for-production" \

example of build using the existing quickstart:soroban-dev image which has latest released soroban server versions and builds soroban cli from local directory of checked out soroban-tools repo:

$ make QUICKSTART_IMAGE=stellar/quickstart:soroban-dev \
       SOROBAN_CLI_GIT_REF=/Users/user/soroban-tools build

some settings have defaults pre-set, and optionally be overriden:

CORE_COMPILE_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--disable-tests --enable-next-protocol-version-unsafe-for-production"

optional to set:

# this will override SOROBAN_CLI_GIT_REF, and install soroban cli from crates repo instead

# this will override the default Node JS vm version used for running the JS code:

# soroban js client version can be set to a published npm version on 
# or it can be set to a github git ref of a js-soroban-client repo

# Image overrides. 
# If using these, the image ref should provide a manifiest version for same 
# platform arch as the build host is running on, i.e. linux/amd64 or linux/arm64. 
# Otherwise, build will fail if image is not available for matching host platform.
# this will skip building core, horizon, rpc and quickstart from git source and instead 
# will use the versions already compiled in the existing quickstart docker image provided: 
QUICKSTART_IMAGE=<docker registry>/<docker image name>:<docker tag>

# this will skip building core from git source and instead 
# will use the bin already compiled at /usr/local/bin/stellar-core in the existing docker image provided: 
CORE_IMAGE=<docker registry>/<docker image name>:<docker tag>

# this will skip building soroban-rpc from git source and instead 
# will use the bin already compiled at /bin/soroban-rpc in the existing docker image provided: 
SOROBAN_RPC_IMAGE=<docker registry>/<docker image name>:<docker tag>

# this will skip building soroban-cli from git source and instead 
# will use the bin already compiled at /usr/local/cargo/bin/soroban in the existing docker image provided: 
SOROBAN_CLI_IMAGE=<docker registry>/<docker image name>:<docker tag>

# this will skip building horizon from git source and instead 
# will use the bin already compiled at /go/bin/horizon in the existing docker image provided: 
HORIZON_IMAGE=<docker registry>/<docker image name>:<docker tag>

# this will skip building friendbot from git source and instead 
# will use the bin already compiled at /app/friendbot in the existing docker image provided: 
FRIENDBOT_IMAGE=<docker registry>/<docker image name>:<docker tag>

(2) Run the system test docker image:

docker run --rm -it --name e2e_test stellar/system-test:dev --VerboseOutput false 

Optional settings to pass when running system-test image, stellar/system-test:<tag>:

To specify git version of the smart contract source code used as test fixtures.
--SorobanExamplesGitHash {branch, tag, git commit hash}
--SorobanExamplesRepoURL ""

To specify which system test feature/scenarios to run, it is a regex of the feature test name and a scenario defined within, each row in example data for a scenario outline is postfixed with '#01', '#02', examples:
--TestFilter "^TestDappDevelop$/^DApp developer compiles, deploys and invokes a contract.*$"
--TestFilter "^TestDappDevelop$/^DApp developer compiles, deploys and invokes a contract#01$"

The ending wildcard allows for all combinations of example data for a scenario outline, without that it would just run the first example data set in a scenario outline.

The default target network for system tests is a new/empty instance of standalone network hosted inside the docker container, tests will use the default root account already seeded into standalone network. Alternatively, can override the network settings here:

  • Tests will use an internally hosted core node connected to standalone or futurenet network:
    --TargetNetwork {standalone|futurenet}
  • Tests will use an external rpc instance and the container will not run core, horizon, rpc services internally:
    --TargetNetworkRPCURL {http://<rpc_host:rpc_port>/soroban/rpc}
  • Tests use these settings in either target network mode, and these are by default set to work with standalone:
    --TargetNetworkPassphrase "{passphrase}"
    --TargetNetworkTestAccountSecret "{your test account key pair info}"
    --TargetNetworkTestAccountPublic "{your test account key pair info}"

Debug mode, the docker container will exit with error code when any pre-setup or test fails to pass, you can enable DEBUG_MODE flag, and the container will stay running, prompting you for enter key before shutting down, make sure you invoke docker with -it so the prompt will reach your command line. While container is kept running, you can shell into it via docker exec -it <container id or name> and view log files of services in the stack such as core, rpc located in container at /var/log/supervisor.

The docker run follows standard exit code conventions, so if all tests pass in the container run, exit code from command line execution will be 0, otherwise, if any failures in container or tests, then exit code will be greater than 0.

Development mode and running tests directly from checked out system-test repo.

This approach allows to run the tests from source code directly on host as go tests, no docker image is used.


  1. go 1.18 or above -
  2. rust toolchain(cargo and rustc), install the version per testing requirements or stable, - use rustup -
  3. soroban, compile or install via cargo crate a version of soroban cli onto your machine and accessible from PATH.
  4. target network stack for the tests to access soroban-rpc instance. You can use an existing/running instance if reachable or can use the quickstart image stellar/quickstart:soroban-dev from dockerhub to run the latest stable target network stack locally, or build quickstart with specific versions of core, horizon and soroban rpc first following these instructions and run stellar/quickstart:dev locally.
    docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 --name stellar stellar/quickstart:dev --standalone --enable-soroban-rpc
  5. locally checkout stellar/system-test GH repo and go into top folder - git clone;cd system-test

Running tests

# example values used here are for when running quickstart:soroban-dev standalone locally
system-test $ SorobanExamplesGitHash="main" \  
SorobanExamplesRepoURL="" \  
TargetNetworkPassPhrase="Standalone Network ; February 2017" \  
TargetNetworkRPCURL="http://localhost:8000/soroban/rpc" \  
VerboseOutput=false \  
go test -v --run "^TestDappDevelop$/^DApp developer compiles, deploys and invokes a contract.*$" ./features/dapp_develop/...

This follows standard go test conventions, so if all tests pass, exit code from command line execution will be 0, otherwise, if any tests fail, then exit code will be greater than 0.

This example uses a feature/scenario filter also to limit which tests are run.

  • Tests will attempt to run soroban as the cli as provided from your operating system PATH.

  • the verbose output of BDD scenerio results for tests is dependent on go's testing verbose output rules, need to specify -v and a directory with single package, if multiple packages detected on directory location, then go won't print verbose output for each package, i.e. you wont see the BDD scenerio summaries printed, just the standard one liner for summary of package pass/fail status.

Debugging tests

Have provided a debug config launch.json for example reference on how to run a test with the go/dlv debugger to step through, etc.