Starter code used for live demo of integrating the Twitter API and Python for EECS 398 Fall 2018 at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Last semester's demo on graphing hashtag usage can be found here
$ pip3 install twarc
created specifically to pull data from Twitter
handles authentication in one line
not very well-documented, but it has the reply-searching functionality we're looking for
pip3 install anytree
simple and easy to use
gives node functionality to any user-defined class
builds AND renders trees
you want to keep your API keys secret, which is why they are placed in a separate file from your program.
if you choose to put your project on GitHub, DO NOT commit
Go to
sign into Twitter, then click "Create New App" in the upper right
fill out the name, description, and website for your application. Check the "Developer Agreement" box and finish creating your app!
under the name of your application, find and click the "Keys and Access Tokens" tab
located under Application Settings
copy and paste these keys into
scroll down and click "Authorize my Application"
located under "Your Access Token"
copy and paste these keys into
from twarc import Twarc
from anytree import NodeMixin, RenderTree
from secret import *
check out "Using as a Library" in the twarc README
use keys/tokens from
to create the session
- ask the user (you) for a Tweet ID
use your twarc session for this
the Tweet will be represented as a large dictionary
we have to be resourceful here - there's no documentation on twarc's reply functionality, but we can look at twarc's test file on GitHub to figure out how to use it
"take the recursive leap of faith!"
- use anytree's