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exclude small contigs (bp) . when it is NULL, minChrSize equals binSi…
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hongjianjin committed Feb 22, 2022
1 parent 67d87b9 commit f9cc88f
Showing 1 changed file with 32 additions and 10 deletions.
42 changes: 32 additions & 10 deletions R/ChIPseqSpikeInFree.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#' @param binSize size of bins (bp)
#' @param overlap overlaps between two consecutive bins (bp)
#' @param withChr chromosome names in bin File have chr if set withChr to TRUE; FALSE - no chr
#' @param minChrSize exclude small contigs (bp) . when it is NULL (by default), minChrSize equals binSize x 2 (bp).
#' @return A data.frame of generated bins
#' @export
#' @examples
Expand All @@ -22,8 +23,9 @@
#' ## "hg19" will be parsed as system.file("extdata", "hg19.chrom.sizes",
#' ## package = "ChIPseqSpikeInFree")
#' # binDF<- GenerateBins(chromFile="hg19",binSize=2000, overlap=0,
#' # withChr=TRUE,prefix="hg19")
GenerateBins <- function(chromFile, binSize = 1000, overlap = 0, withChr = TRUE) {
#' # withChr=TRUE,minChrSize=2000)

GenerateBins <- function(chromFile, binSize = 1000, overlap = 0, withChr = TRUE, minChrSize=NULL) {
# generate genome-wide bins for counting purpose

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Expand All @@ -49,13 +51,25 @@ GenerateBins <- function(chromFile, binSize = 1000, overlap = 0, withChr = TRUE)
chrNotation <- gsub("chrMT", "chrM", chrNotation)
chromSize[, 1] <- chrNotation
cat(paste0("\n\twarn: exclude small contigs [n=", sum(chromSize[,2] < minChrSize),"]"))
if (is.null(minChrSize)){
minChrSize <- binSize * 2
chromSize <- chromSize[chromSize[,2] >= minChrSize,]
beds <- NULL
timeStamp<- strtrim(gsub("[-: ]","",Sys.time()),14) #8,12
outFile <- paste0(timeStamp,".txt")
for (r in 1:nrow(chromSize)) {
chrName <- chromSize[r, 1]
chrLength <- chromSize[r, 2]
realBinSize <- binSize - overlap
starts <- seq(0, chrLength, realBinSize) + 1
ends <- c(seq(binSize, chrLength, realBinSize), chrLength)
if (chrLength < realBinSize){
ends <- chrLength
ends <- c(seq(binSize, chrLength, realBinSize), chrLength)
starts <- starts[1:length(ends)]
bed <- data.frame(chr = chrName, start = starts, end = ends)
counter <- c(counter, nrow(bed))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -930,8 +944,11 @@ BoxplotSF <- function(input, prefix = "test") {
#' @param chromFile chrom.size file. Given "hg19","mm10","mm9" or "hg38", will load chrom.size file from package folder.
#' @param metaFile a filename of metadata file. the file must have three columns: ID (bam filename without full path), ANTIBODY and GROUP
#' @param binSize size of bins (bp). Recommend a value bwteen 200 and 10000
#' @param minFirstTurn a numeric value [between 0.3 and 0.8] to define minimum fraction of reads to be ignored as background[ 0.5 by default]. Or character "auto" to allow automatic selction of value.
#' @param maxLastTurn a numeric value [between 0.95 and 0.99] to define maximum fraction of reads to be included for identifying last turning point [0.99 by default]. Slightly smaller maxLastTurn value may imporve result when the enrichment is not ideal.
#' @param singleEnd a logical value to define where your reads are single-end [TRUE by default] or FALSE [paired-end].
#' @param cutoff_QC a numeric value [between 0.95 and 1.20] to identiy sample of QC failure or poor enrichment [1.2 by default]. Slightly smaller cutoff_QC value (like 1) may imporve result when the enrichment is not ideal.
#' @param disableOverwritten a logical value to define whether to overwrite previous counting matrix & parsed matrix [FALSE by default].
#' @param ncores number of cores for parallel computing.
#' @param prefix prefix of output filename.
#' @return A data.frame of the updated metaFile with scaling factor
Expand All @@ -956,10 +973,16 @@ BoxplotSF <- function(input, prefix = "test") {
#' # ChIPseqSpikeInFree(bamFiles=bams, chromFile="mm9",
#' # metaFile=metaFile,prefix="test_manual_cutoffs",
#' # cutoff_QC = 1, maxLastTurn=0.97)
ChIPseqSpikeInFree <- function(bamFiles, chromFile = "hg19",
ChIPseqSpikeInFree <- function(bamFiles,
chromFile = "hg19",
metaFile = "sample_meta.txt",
prefix = "test", binSize = 1000,
cutoff_QC = 1.2, maxLastTurn=0.99,
prefix = "test",
binSize = 1000,
cutoff_QC = 1.2,
minFirstTurn = 0.5,
maxLastTurn = 0.99,
singleEnd = TRUE,
disableOverwritten = TRUE,
ncores = 2
) {
# perform ChIP-seq spike-free normalization in one step
Expand All @@ -971,14 +994,14 @@ ChIPseqSpikeInFree <- function(bamFiles, chromFile = "hg19",
cat("\nstep2. counting reads...")
output1 <- paste0(prefix, "_rawCounts.txt")
disableOverwritten <- TRUE

# in case of downstream errors, just load existing outFile to avoid re-counting
if (file.exists(output1) && disableOverwritten) {
cat("\n\t", output1, "[just loading the existing file; delete this file first to do re-counting ]")
rawCountDF <- read.table(output1, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, fill = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quote = "", row.names = 1, check.names = F)
} else {
rawCountDF <- CountRawReads(bamFiles = bamFiles, chromFile = chromFile, prefix = prefix, binSize = binSize)
rawCountDF <- CountRawReads(bamFiles = bamFiles, chromFile = chromFile, prefix = prefix, binSize = binSize, singleEnd = singleEnd)
cat("\nstep3. parsing raw counts...")
Expand All @@ -994,12 +1017,11 @@ ChIPseqSpikeInFree <- function(bamFiles, chromFile = "hg19",
cat("\nstep4. calculating scaling factors...")
SF <- CalculateSF(data = parsedDF, metaFile = meta, minFirstTurn = "auto", maxLastTurn=maxLastTurn, cutoff_QC=cutoff_QC)
SF <- CalculateSF(data = parsedDF, metaFile = meta, minFirstTurn = minFirstTurn, maxLastTurn=maxLastTurn, cutoff_QC=cutoff_QC)
cat("\nstep5. ploting distribution curves and bars ...")
PlotDistr(parsedDF, SF, prefix, xlimMaxCPMW=NULL )
cat("\nstep6. ploting scaling factors...")
BoxplotSF(SF, prefix)

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