#E-Commerce Website: ShopWave About the Project
This repository contains the source code for ShopWave, a modern, feature-rich e-commerce platform built to provide a seamless online shopping experience. The project follows best practices for frontend and backend development using a variety of web technologies.
Responsive Design: Ensures the website is user-friendly on all devices.
User Authentication: Includes login and signup functionalities.
Product Catalog: Displays products with categories.
Shopping Cart: Allows users to add and manage items.
Admin Dashboard: Enables product , categories and users management.
#Tech Stack
React.js: For building interactive user interfaces.
Tailwind CSS: For fast and responsive styling.
Vite: For optimized build and development.
Node.js: As the runtime environment.
Express.js: For handling server-side operations.
MongoDB: For storing data in a NoSQL database.
JWT: For secure user authentication.
Follow these steps to set up the project locally:
Clone the repository:
Copy code
git clone https://github.com/suraiyaeva/ecommerce-website.git
cd ecommerce-website
Install dependencies:
Navigate to the frontend and backend directories separately and install dependencies:
Copy code
cd Frontend
npm install
cd ../Backend
npm install
Set up environment variables:
Create .env files in the Frontend and Backend directories with the necessary configurations (e.g., API keys, database URIs).
Run the application:
Start the frontend and backend servers:
Copy code
cd Frontend
npm run dev
cd ../Backend
npm start
Access the application: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4000.
Explore the shoppage to browse available products.
Create an account or log in to access additional features.
Add products to your cart and proceed to checkout.
Use the admin dashboard (if you have admin access) to manage products and categories.