A number of Docker containers for exploring the stellar evolution, explosion and nucleosynthesis datasets that are produced by the NuGrid collaboration.
The container mounts the NuGrid VOSpace for remote data access and hosts an iPython notebook server. This can be built and run as a standalone on your local machine, giving access to the notebooks via localhost:8080 (or < the ip of your VM >:8080).
This project is based on work originally performed by the NuGrid Collaboration: nugridstars.org and this project.
The container mounts the NuGrid VOSpace and exports the volume for binding with other containers.
Build the data docker:
docker build -t nugrid-vos:0.1 vos-readonly
Run the data docker:
docker run -d --privileged=true --name nugrid-vos -t nugrid-vos:0.1
Important: The binding step does not work as of docker-1.2, because FUSE mounted volumes can not be shared (userspace).
The container hosts an iPython notebook server with the VOSpace located at
nugrid_path = /home/nugrid/CADC/NuGrid.
The container requires the VOSpace volume to be connected at runtime, either from the vos-readonly container like so:
Build the app docker:
docker build -t nugrid-notebook:0.1 public-notebook
Run the app docker:
docker run --volume-from nugrid-vos /home/nugrid/CADC/NuGrid -p 80:8080 --name nugrid-notebook nugrid-notebook:0.1
Important: The binding step does not work as of docker-1.2, because FUSE mounted volumes can not be shared (userspace).
The current alternative is the following recipe, assuming the Docker host (In our case a persistent VM) has the python vos module installed:
Mount Nugrid VOSpace on the host:
mkdir /vos_nugrid
vos-readonly/mount-nugrid-vos.bash /vos_nugrid
Run the app docker:
docker run --volume /vos_nugrid:/home/nugrid/CADC/NuGrid -p 80:8080 --name nugrid-notebook nugrid-notebook:0.1
This directory contains the files and information needed to set up a host machine to manage the docker containers for both public and CANFAR-authenticated users. The host machine creates, starts, stops and removes containers automatically, connecting users to their personal container/notebook session on request.