This little boilerplate application compiles an HTTP server based on Drogon ( This server implements one single http endpoint:
- The Linux kernel should be not lower than 2.6.9, 64-bit version;
- The gcc version is not less than 5.4.0;
- Use cmake as the build tool, and the cmake version should be not less than 3.5;
- Use git as the version management tool;
- trantor, a non-blocking I/O C++ network library, also developed by the author of Drogon, has been used as a git repository submodule, no need to install in advance;
- jsoncpp, JSON's c++ library, the version should be no less than 1.7;
- libuuid, generating c library of uuid;
- zlib, used to support compressed transmission;
- OpenSSL, not mandatory, if the OpenSSL library is installed, drogon will support HTTPS as well, otherwise drogon only supports HTTP.
- c-ares, not mandatory, if the c-ares library is installed,drogon will be more efficient with DNS;
- libbrotli, not mandatory, if the libbrotli library is installed, drogon will support brotli compression when sending HTTP responses;
- boost, the version should be no less than 1.61, is required only if the C++ compiler does not support C++ 17.
- the client development libraries of postgreSQL, mariadb and sqlite3, not mandatory, if one or more of them is installed, drogon will support access to the according database.
- gtest, not mandatory, if the gtest library is installed, the unit tests can be compiled.
Drogon depends on Follow link
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
curl http://localhost:8090/api/v1/helloworld
"message":"Hello, World!"