Another Dependency Injection Container for Unity 3D and beyond
- Introduction
- Features
- Concepts
- Quick start
- Order of events
- Performance
- Extensions
- General notes
- Examples
- Changelog
- Support
- License
Adic is a lightweight dependency injection container for Unity 3D and any C# (or .Net) project.
Based on the proof of concept container from Sebastiano MandalĂ and studies of StrangeIoC, the intention of the project is to create a dependency injection container that is simple to use and extend, having on its roots the simplicity of the work of MandalĂ and the extensibility of StrangeIoC, also borrowing some ideas from the classic Unity Application Block.
The project is compatible with Unity 3D 5 and 4 and possibly 3 (not tested) and should work on all available platforms (tested on Windows/Mac/Linux, Android, iOS and Web Player).
Also available in the Unity Asset Store.
- Bind types, singleton instances, factories, game objects and prefabs.
- Instance resolution by type, identifier and complex conditions.
- Injection on constructor, fields and properties.
- Can inject multiple objects of the same type.
- Can resolve and inject instances from types that are not bound to the container.
- Fast dependency resolution with internal cache.*
- Use of attributes to indicate injections, preferable constructors and post constructors.
- Can be easily extended through extensions.
- Framework decoupled from Unity - all Unity based API is achieved through extensions.
- Organized and well documented code written in C#.
A dependency injection container is a piece of software that handles the resolution of dependencies of objects. It's related to the dependency injection and inversion of control design patterns.
The idea is that any dependency an object may need should be resolved by an external entity rather than the own object. Practically speaking, an object should not use new
to create the objects it uses, having those instances injected into it by another object whose sole existence is to resolve dependencies.
So, a dependency injection container holds information about dependencies (the bindings) that can be injected into another objects by demand (injecting into existing objects) or during resolution (when you are creating a new object of some type).
The structure of Adic is divided into five parts:
- InjectionContainer/Container: binds, resolves, injects and holds dependencies. Technically, the container is a Binder and an Injector at the same time.
- Binder: binds a type to another type or instance with inject conditions.
- Injector: resolves and injects dependencies.
- Context Root: main context in which the containers are in. Acts as an entry point for the game. It's implemented through an extension.
- Extensions: provides additional features to the framework.
- Transient: a new instance is created each time a dependency needs to be resolved.
- Singleton: a single instance is created and used on any dependency resolution.
- Factory: creates the instance and returns it to the container.
Adic is organized internally into different namespaces that represents the framework components. However, the commonly used components are under Adic
- Attributes (
); InjectionContainer
;- Extensions (like
Methods from the container and bindings creation can be chained to achieve a more compact code:
//Create the container.
//Register any extensions the container may use.
//Add bindings.
Good practice: when chaining, always place the bindings in the end of the chain or use bindings setup to organize your bindings.
1. Create the context root (e.g. GameRoot.cs) of your scene by inheriting from Adic.ContextRoot
using UnityEngine;
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// Game context root.
/// </summary>
public class GameRoot : Adic.ContextRoot {
public override void SetupContainers() {
//Setup the containers.
public override void Init() {
//Init the game.
Note: there should be only one context root per scene.
Hint: when using a context root for each scene of your game, to make the project more organized, create folders for each of your scenes that will hold their own scripts and context roots.
2. In the SetupContainers()
method, create and add any containers will may need, also configuring their bindings.
public override void SetupContainers() {
//Create a container.
//Setup bindinds.
Hint: in Adic, the lifetime of your bindings is the lifetime of your containers - you can create as many containers as you want to hold your dependencies.
Good practice: if you have many bindings to add to a container, it's better to create reusable objects that can setup related bindings together. Please see Bindings setup for more information.
3. On the Init()
method, place any code to start your game.
Note: the idea of this method is to work as an entry point for your game, like a main()
method on console applications.
4. Attach the context root created by you on an empty game object in your scene.
5. Start dependency injecting!
Binding is the action of linking a type to another type or instance. Adic makes it simple by providing different ways to create your bindings.
Every binding must occur from a certain key type by calling the Bind()
method of the container.
The simple way to bind e.g. some interface to its class implementation is as below:
It's also possible to bind a class to an existing instance:
You can also bind a Unity component to a game object that has that particular component:
Or a prefab on some Prefabs/Whatever
resources folder:
And, if needed, non generics versions of bindings' methods are also available:
The next sections will cover all the available bindings Adic provides.
Binds the key type to a transient of itself. The key must be a class.
Binds the key type to a singleton of itself. The key must be a class.
It's also possible to create a singleton of the key type to another type. In this case, the key may not be a class.
//Using generics...
//...or instance type.
Binds the key type to a transient of another type. In this case, the To type will be instantiated every time a resolution of the key type is asked.
//Using generics...
//..or instance type.
Binds the key type to an instance.
//Using generics...
//..or instance type.
container.Bind<InterfaceType>().To(classTypeObject, instanceOfClassType);
Binds the key type to all assignable types in a given namespace as transient bindings.
Note 1: it will create a multiple binding if there's more than one type in the namespace that is assignable to the key type.
Note 2: currently it's not possible to use conditions when binding to all types in a namespace.
Binds the key type to all assignable types in a given namespace as singleton bindings.
Note 1: it will create a multiple binding if there's more than one type in the namespace that is assignable to the key type.
Note 2: currently it's not possible to use conditions when binding to all types in a namespace.
Binds the key type to a factory. The factory must implement the Adic.IFactory
//Binding factory by generics...
//...or type instance...
//...or a factory instance.
See Factories for more information.
Binds the key type to a singleton of itself or some type on a new game object.
Good practice: to prevent references to destroyed objects, only bind to game objects that won't be destroyed in the scene.
//Binding to itself...
//...or some other component using generics...
//..or some other component by instance type.
The newly created game object will have the same name as the key type.
Binds the key type to a singleton UnityEngine.Component
of itself or some type on a game object of a given name.
Good practice: to prevent references to destroyed objects, only bind to game objects that won't be destroyed in the scene.
If the component is not found on the game object, it will be added.
//Binding to itself by name...
//...or some other component using generics and name...
//..or some other component by instance type and name.
container.Bind<SomeInterface>()().ToGameObject(someMonoBehaviourType, "GameObjectName");
Binds the key type to a singleton UnityEngine.Component
of itself or some type on a game object of a given tag.
Good practice: to prevent references to destroyed objects, only bind to game objects that won't be destroyed in the scene.
If the component is not found on the game object, it will be added.
//Binding to itself by tag...
//...or some other component using generics and tag...
//..or some other component by instance type and tag.
container.Bind<SomeInterface>().ToGameObjectWithTag(someMonoBehaviourType, "Tag");
#### To game objects with tag
Binds the key type to singletons `UnityEngine.Component` of itself or some type on a game object of a given tag.
**Good practice:** to prevent references to destroyed objects, only bind to game objects that won't be destroyed in the scene.
If the component is not found on the game object, it will be added.
//Binding to itself by tag...
//...or some other component using generics and tag...
//..or some other component by instance type and tag.
container.Bind<SomeInterface>().ToGameObjectsWithTag(someMonoBehaviourType, "Tag");
Binds the key type to a transient UnityEngine.Component
of itself or some type on the prefab.
If the component is not found on the game object, it will be added.
Note: every resolution of a transient prefab will generate a new instance. So, even if the component resolved from the prefab is destroyed, it won't generate any missing references in the container.
//Binding prefab to itself...
//...or to another component on the prefab using generics...
//...or to another component on the prefab using instance tyoe.
container.Bind<SomeInterface>().ToPrefab(someMonoBehaviourType, "Tag");
Binds the key type to a singleton UnityEngine.Component
of itself or some type on a newly instantiated prefab.
Good practice: to prevent references to destroyed objects, only bind to prefabs that won't be destroyed in the scene.
//Binding singleton prefab to itself...
//...or to another component on the prefab using generics...
//...or to another component on the prefab using instance type.
container.Bind<SomeInterface>().ToPrefabSingleton(someMonoBehaviourType, "Tag");
Binds the key type to a singleton UnityEngine.Object
loaded from the Resources folder.
Good practice: To prevent references to destroyed objects, only bind to resources that won't be destroyed in the scene.
Adic will always try to resolve any dependencies the constructor may need by using information from its bindings or trying to instantiate any types that are unknown to the binder.
Note 1: if there's more than one constructor, Adic always look for the one with less parameteres. However, it's possible to indicate which constructor should be used on a multi constructor class.
Note 2: there's no need to decorate constructors' parameteres with Inject
attributes - they will be resolved automatically.
Note 3: currently, injection identifiers are not supported on constructors. However, any conditions (that are not identifiers) on types are also applied to the constructor parameters.
Adic can perform dependency injection on public fields and properties of classes. To make it happen, just decorate the members with the Inject
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My class summary.
/// </summary>
public class MyClass {
/// <summary>Field to be injected.</summary>
public SomeClass fieldToInject;
/// <summary>Field NOT to be injected.</summary>
public SomeClass fieldNotToInject;
/// <summary>Property to be injected.</summary>
public SomeOtherClass propertyToInject { get; set; }
/// <summary>Property NOT to be injected.</summary>
public SomeOtherClass propertyNotToInject { get; set; }
If you need to perform actions after all injections have been completed, create a method and decorate it with the PostConstruct
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My class summary.
/// </summary>
public class MyClass {
/// <summary>Field to be injected.</summary>
public SomeClass fieldToInject;
/// <summary>
/// Class constructor.
/// </summary>
public MyClass() {
/// <summary>
/// Class post constructor, called after all the dependencies have been resolved.
/// </summary>
public void PostConstruct() {
In case you have multiple constructors, it's possible to indicate to Adic which one should be used by decorating it with the Construct
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My class summary.
/// </summary>
public class MyClass {
/// <summary>
/// Class constructor.
/// </summary>
public MyClass() {
/// <summary>
/// Class constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameterName">Parameter description</param>
public MyClass(Type parameterName) {
It's possible to inject multiple objects of the same type by creating a series of bindings of the same key type. In this case, the injection occurs on an array of the key type.
Binding multiple objects to the same key:
Multiple injection in a field:
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My class summary.
/// </summary>
public class MyClass {
/// <summary>Enemies on the game.</summary>
public GameObject[] enemies;
It's possible to manually resolve multiple objects. Please see Manual type resolution for more information.
It's possible to perform injection on custom MonoBehaviour
fields and properties by using the Mono Injection extension, which is enabled by default, by calling this.Inject()
on the Start()
method of the MonoBehaviour
using Unity.Engine;
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My MonoBehaviour summary.
/// </summary>
public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>Field to be injected.</summary>
public SomeClass fieldToInject;
protected void Start() {
To make injection even simpler, create a base behaviour from which all your MonoBehaviour
will inherit:
using Unity.Engine;
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// Base MonoBehaviour.
/// </summary>
public abstract class BaseBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>
/// Called when the component is starting.
/// If overriden on derived classes, always call base.Start().
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Start() {
When injecting into MonoBehaviour
using the this.Inject()
method, every available container in the context root is used. If you want to restrict the containers from which injection occurs, use the InjectFromContainer
attribute in conjunction with a container identifier.
When creating the container, set an identifier through its constructor:
//Create the container with an identifier.
this.AddContainer(new InjectionContainer("identifier"))
//Register any extensions the container may use.
In the MonoBehaviour
that should receive injection only from a certain container, add the InjectFromContainer
attribute with the container's identifier:
using Unity.Engine;
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My MonoBehaviour summary.
/// </summary>
public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>Field to be injected.</summary>
public SomeClass fieldToInject;
protected void Start() {
Conditions allow a more customized approach when injecting dependencies into constructors and fields/properties.
Using conditions you can:
1. Tag a binding with an identifier, so you can indicate it as a parameter in the Inject
attribute on fields/properties:
When binding:
When injecting:
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My class summary.
/// </summary>
public class MyClass {
/// <summary>Field to be injected.</summary>
public SomeInterface field;
2. Indicate in which objects a binding can be injected, by type or instance:
//Using generics...
//...or type instance...
//...or by a given instance.
3. Create complex conditions by using an anonymous method:
container.Bind<SomeInterface>().To<SomeClass>().When(context =>
context.member.Equals(InjectionMember.Field) &&
The context provides the following fields:
- member (
enum): the class member in which the injection is occuring (None, Constructor, Field or Property). - memberType (
): the type of the member in which the injection is occuring. - identifier (
): the identifier of the member in which the injection is occuring (fromInject
attribute). - parentType (
): the type of the object in which the injection is occuring. - parentInstance (
): the instance of the object in which the injection is occuring. - injectType (
): the type of the object being injected.
It's possible to have an Update()
method on regular classes (that don't inherit from MonoBehaviour
) by implementing the Adic.IUpdatable
See Event Caller for more information.
When a scene is destroyed, it's possible to have a method that can be called to e.g. free up resources. To do it, implement the System.IDisposable
interface on any class that you want to have this option.
See Event Caller for more information.
If you need to get a type from the container but do not want to use injection through constructor or fields/properties, it's possible to execute a manual resolution directly by calling the Resolve()
//Resolving using generics...
var instance = container.Resolve<Type>();
//...or using generics for objects with a given identifier...
var instance = container.Resolve<Type>("Identifier");
//...or by type instance...
instance = container.Resolve(typeInstance);
//...or by objects with a given identifier...
instance = container.Resolve("Identifier");
//...or by type instance for objects with a given identifier.
instance = container.Resolve(typeInstance, "Identifier");
It's also possible to resolve all objects of a given type:
//Resolving all objects using generics...
var instances = container.ResolveAll<Type>();
//...or using generics for objects with a given identifier...
var instance = container.ResolveAll<Type>("Identifier");
//...or by type instance...
instances = container.ResolveAll(typeInstance);
//...or by objects with a given identifier...
instance = container.ResolveAll("Identifier");
//...or by type instance for objects with a given identifier.
instance = container.ResolveAll(typeInstance, "Identifier");
Note: although it's possible to resolve instances by identifier, currently manual resolution of bindings that have other conditions is not supported.
When you need to handle the instantiation of an object manually, it's possible to create a factory class by inheriting from Adic.IFactory
using Adic.Injection;
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My factory.
/// </summary>
public class MyFactory : Adic.IFactory {
/// <summary>
/// Creates an instance of the object of the type created by the factory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">Injection context.</param>
/// <returns>The instance.</returns>
public object Create(InjectionContext context) {
//Instantiate and return the object.
var myObject = new MyObject();
return myObject;
The InjectionContext
object contains information about the current injection/resolution, which can be used to help deciding how the instance will be created by the factory.
To bind a type to a factory class, use the ToFactory()
//Binding factory by generics...
//...or type instance...
//...or a factory instance.
Note: factories are resolved and injected by the container. So, it's possible to receive dependencies either by construtor and/or fields/properties.
Sometimes the bindings list can become (very) large and bloat the SetupContainers()
method of the context root. For better organization, it's possible to create reusable objects which will group and setup related bindings in a given container.
To create a bindings setup object, implement the Adic.IBindingsSetup
using Adic;
using Adic.Container;
namespace MyNamespace.Bindings {
/// <summary>
/// My bindings.
/// </summary>
public class MyBindings : IBindingsSetup {
public void SetupBindings (IInjectionContainer container) {
//...more related bindings.
To perform a bindings setup, call the SetupBindings()
method in the container, passing either the binding setup object as a parameter or the namespace in which the setups reside:
//Setup by generics...
//...or by type...
//...or from an instance...
var bindings = MyBindings();
//...or using a namespace.
Note: the default behaviour of SetupBindings()
with namespace is to use all IBindingsSetup
objects under the given namespace and all its children namespaces. If you need that only IBindingsSetup
objects in the given namespace are used, call the overload that allows indication of children namespace evaluation:
container.SetupBindings("MyNamespace.Bindings", false);
The order of bindings setups matters. In case an IBindingsSetup
object relies on bindings from another IBindingsSetup
object, add the other setup first.
However, if you are using SetupBindings()
with a namespace, it's not possible to manually order the IBindingsSetup
objects. In this case, you have to decorate the IBindingsSetup
classes with a BindingPriority
attribute to define the priority in which each bindings setup will be executed:
using Adic;
using Adic.Container;
namespace MyNamespace.Bindings {
/// <summary>
/// My bindings.
/// </summary>
public class MyBindings : IBindingsSetup {
public void SetupBindings (IInjectionContainer container) {
//...more related bindings.
Higher values indicate higher priorities. If no priority value is provided, the default value of 1
will be used.
Commands are actions executed by your game, usually in response to an event.
The concept of commands on Adic is to place everything the action/event needs in a single place, so it's easy to understand and maintain it.
Suppose you have an event of enemy destroyed. When that occurs, you have to update UI, dispose the enemy, spawn some particles and save statistics somewhere. One approach would be dispatch the event to every object that has to do something about it, which is fine given it keeps single responsibility by allowing every object to take care of their part on the event. However, when your project grows, it can be a nightmare to find every place a given event is handled. That's when commands come in handy: you place all the code and dependencies for a certain action/event in a single place.
To create a command, inherit from Adic.Command
and override the Execute()
method, where you will place all the code needed to execute the command. If you have any dependencies to be injected before executing the command, add them as fields or properties and decorate them with an Inject
namespace MyNamespace.Commands {
/// <summary>
/// My command.
/// </summary>
public class MyCommand : Adic.Command {
/// <summary>Some dependency to be injected.</summary>
public object someDependency;
/// <summary>
/// Executes the command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters">Command parameters.</param>
public override void Execute(params object[] parameters) {
//Execution code.
Hint: it's also possible to wire any dependencies through constructor. However, in this case the dependencies will only be resolved once, during instantiation.
Good practice: place all your commands under the same namespace, so it's easy to register them.
The command is kept in a pool for reuse, avoiding new instantiations. It's useful for commands that need to maintain state when executing. This is the default behaviour.
When creating pooled commands, it's possible to set the initial and maximum size of the pool for a particular command by setting, respectively, the preloadPoolSize
and maxPoolSize
namespace MyNamespace.Commands {
/// <summary>
/// My command.
/// </summary>
public class MyCommand : Adic.Command {
/// <summary>The quantity of the command to preload on pool (default: 1).</summary>
public override int preloadPoolSize { get { return 5; } }
/// <summary>The maximum size pool for this command (default: 10).</summary>
public override int maxPoolSize { get { return 20; } }
/// <summary>
/// Executes the command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters">Command parameters.</param>
public override void Execute(params object[] parameters) {
//Execution code.
There's only one copy of the command available, which is used every time the command is dispatched. It's useful for commands that don't need state or every dependency the command needs is given during execution. To make a command singleton, return true
in the singleton
property of the command:
namespace MyNamespace.Commands {
/// <summary>
/// My command.
/// </summary>
public class MyCommand : Adic.Command {
/// <summary>Indicates whether this command is a singleton (there's only one instance of it).</summary>
public override bool singleton { get { return true; } }
/// <summary>
/// Executes the command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters">Command parameters.</param>
public override void Execute(params object[] parameters) {
//Execution code.
Note: When using singleton commands, injection is done only through constructors or injection after command instantiation.
To register a command, call the Register()
method on the container, usually in the context root:
using UnityEngine;
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// Game context root.
/// </summary>
public class GameRoot : Adic.ContextRoot {
public override void SetupContainers() {
//Create the container.
//Register any extensions the container may use.
//Registering by generics...
//...or by type.
public override void Init() {
//Init the game.
Note: when registering a command, it's placed in the container, so it's easier to resolve it and its dependencies.
It's also possible to register all commands under the same namespace by calling the RegisterCommands()
method in the container and passing the full name of the namespace:
public override void SetupContainers() {
//Create the container.
//Register any extensions the container may use.
//Register all commands under the namespace "MyNamespace.Commands".
Note: the default behaviour of RegisterCommands()
is to register all commands under the given namespace and all its children namespaces. If you need that only commands in the given namespace are registered, call the overload that allows indication of children namespace evaluation:
container.RegisterCommands("MyNamespace.Commands", false);
To dispatch a command, just call the Dispatch()
method on Adic.ICommandDispatcher
, using either the generics or the by System.Type
/// <summary>
/// My method that dispatches a command.
/// </summary>
public void MyMethodThatDispatchesCommands() {
//Dispatching by generics...
//...or by type.
It's also possible to dispatch a command after a given period of time by calling the InvokeDispatch()
//Timed dispatching by generics...
//...or by type.
dispatcher.InvokeDispatch(typeof(MyCommand), 1.0f);
To use Adic.ICommandDispatcher
, you have to inject it wherever you need to use it:
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My class that dispatches commands.
/// </summary>
public class MyClassThatDispatchesCommands {
/// <summary>The command dispatcher.</summary>
public ICommandDispatcher dispatcher;
/// <summary>
/// My method that dispatches a command.
/// </summary>
public void MyMethodThatDispatchesCommands() {
Hint: commands already have a reference to its dispatcher (this.dispatcher
Note 1: when dispatching a command, it's placed in a list in the command dispatcher object, which is the one responsible for pooling and managing existing commands.
Note 2: commands in the pool that are not singleton are reinjected every time they are executed.
It's possible to dispatch commands directly from game objects without the need to write any code using the components available in the Commander extension.
To use them, just add the desired component to a game object.
Provides a routine to call a given command. The routine name is DispatchCommand()
Using this component, you can e.g. call the DispatchCommand()
method from a button in the UI or in your code.
It can be found at the Component/Adic/Commander/Command dispatch
Dispatches a command based on a timer.
This component also provides the DispatchCommand()
routine, in case you want to call it before the timer ends.
It can be found at the Component/Adic/Commander/Timed command dispatch
When a command needs to continue its execution beyond the Execute()
method, it has to be retained. This way the command dispatcher knows the command should only be pooled/disposed when it finishes its execution.
This is useful not only for commands that implement Adic.IUpdatable
, but also for commands that have to wait until certain actions (e.g. some network call) are completed.
To retain a command, just call the Retain()
method during main execution:
/// <summary>
/// Executes the command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters">Command parameters.</param>
public override void Execute(params object[] parameters) {
//Execution code.
//Retains the command until some long action is completed.
If a command is retained, it has to be released. The command dispatcher will automatically releases commands during the destruction of scenes. However, in some situations you may want to release it manually (e.g. after some network call is completed).
To release a command, just call the Release()
method when the execution is finished:
/// <summary>
/// Called when some action is finished.
/// </summary>
public void OnSomeActionFinished() {
//Releases the command.
It's possible to use timed method invocation inside a command by calling the Invoke()
namespace MyNamespace.Commands {
/// <summary>
/// My command.
/// </summary>
public class MyCommand : Adic.Command {
/// <summary>
/// Executes the command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters">Command parameters.</param>
public override void Execute(params object[] parameters) {
//Invokes the "MyMethodToInvoke" method after 1 second.
this.Invoke(this.MyMethodToInvoke, 1.0f);
//Retains the command until the invocation is finished.
/// <summary>
/// My method to invoke.
/// </summary>
private void MyMethodToInvoke() {
//Method code.
//Releases the command after the invocation.
Note: always retain a command when invoking methods inside it.
It's possible to use coroutines inside a command by calling the StartCoroutine()
namespace MyNamespace.Commands {
/// <summary>
/// My command.
/// </summary>
public class MyCommand : Adic.Command {
/// <summary>
/// Executes the command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters">Command parameters.</param>
public override void Execute(params object[] parameters) {
//Starts the coroutine.
//Retains the command until the coroutine is finished.
/// <summary>
/// My coroutine.
/// </summary>
private IEnumerator MyCoroutine() {
//Coroutine code.
//Releases the command after execution.
If needed, it's also possible to stop a coroutine after it's started by calling the StopCoroutine()
Note: always retain a command when using coroutines.
When a scene is destroyed, all commands will be released and all registrations will be disposed.
So, if you're using a container that will live through scenes, be aware that all commands will have to be registered again.
- Unity Awake()
- ContextRoot calls SetupContainers()
- ContextRoot asks for each container to generate cache for its types
- ContextRoot calls Init()
- Unity Start() on all
- Injection on
- Update() is called on every object that implements
- Scene is destroyed
- Dispose() is called on every object that implements
Adic was created with speed in mind, using internal cache to minimize the use of reflection (which is usually slow), ensuring a good performance when resolving and injecting into objects - the container can resolve a 1.000 objects in 1ms*.
To maximize performance, always bind all types that will be resolved/injected in the ContextRoot, so Adic can generate cache of the objects and use that information during runtime.
If you have more than one container on the same scene, it's possible to share the cache between them. To do so, create an instance of Adic.Cache.ReflectionCache
and pass it to any container you create:
using UnityEngine;
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// Game context root.
/// </summary>
public class GameRoot : Adic.ContextRoot {
public override void SetupContainers() {
//Create the reflection cache.
var cache = new ReflectionCache();
//Create a new container.
var container1 = this.AddContainer(new InjectionContainer(cache));
//Container configurations and bindings...
//Create a new container.
var container2 = this.AddContainer(new InjectionContainer(cache));
//Container configurations and bindings...
public override void Init() {
//Init the game.
* See Tests/Editor/SpeedTest.cs for more details on performance tests. Tested on a MacBook Pro late 2014 (i7 2.5/3.7 GHz).
- A thousand simple resolves in 1ms
- A million simple resolves in 1330ms
- A thousand complex resolves in 2ms
- A million complex resolves in 2428ms
A simple resolve is the resolution of a class without any Inject
A complex resolve is the resolution of a class that is not bound to the container and has a Inject
attribute in a field.
Extensions are a way to enhance Adic without having to edit it to suit different needs. By using extensions, the core of Adic is kept agnostic, so it can be used on any C# environment.
Prints all bindings on any containers on the current ContextRoot
. It must be executed on Play Mode.
To open the Bindings Printer windows, click on Windows/Adic/Bindings Printer menu.
[Container Type Full Name] (index: [Container Index on ContextRoot], [destroy on load/singleton])
[For each binding]
Type: [Binding Type Full Name]
Bound to: [Bound To Type Full Name] ([type/instance])
Binding type: [Transient/Singleton/Factory]
Identifier [Identifier/-]
Conditions: [yes/no]
Provides a convenient place to setup bindings and reuse them in different containers and scenes.
Please see Bindings setup for more information.
Provides dispatching of commands, with pooling for better performance.
For more information on commands, see Using commands.
Register the extension on any containers that will use it:
//Create the container.
//Register any extensions the container may use.
If you use IDiposable
or IUpdatable
events, also register the Event Caller extension:
//Create the container.
//Register any extensions the container may use.
Provides an entry point for the game on Unity 3D.
Please see Quick start for more information.
- When adding containers using
, it's possible to keep them alive between scenes by setting thedestroyOnLoad
Calls events on classes that implement certain interfaces. The classes must be bound to a container.
Calls Update()
method on classes that implement Adic.IUpdatable
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My updateable class.
/// </summary>
public class MyUpdateableClass : Adic.IUpdatable {
public void Update() {
//Update code.
When a scene is destroyed, calls Dispose()
method on classes that implement System.IDisposable
namespace MyNamespace {
/// <summary>
/// My disposable class.
/// </summary>
public class MyDisposableClass : System.IDisposable {
public void Dispose() {
//Dispose code.
Register the extension on any containers that will use it:
//Create the container.
//Register any extensions the container may use.
- Currently, any objects that are updateable are not removed from the update's list when they're not in use anymore. So, it's recommended to implement the
interface only on singleton or transient objects that will live until the scene is destroyed; - When the scene is destroyed, the update's list is cleared. So, any objects that will live between scenes that implement the
interface will not be readded to the list. It's recommeded to use updateable objects only on the context of a single scene. - Be aware of singleton objects on containers that will live through scenes. Eventually these objects may try to use references that may not exist anymore.
Allows injection on MonoBehaviour
by provinding an Inject()
Please see MonoBehaviour injection for more information.
Provides Unity 3D bindings to the container.
Please see Bindings for more information.
Register the extension on any containers that you may use it:
//Create the container.
//Register any extensions the container may use.
FROM 'Start'! (use the Mono Injection Extension).
Extensions on Adic can be created in 3 ways:
- Creating a framework extension extending the base APIs through their interfaces;
- Creating extension methods to any part of the framework;
- Creating a container extension, which allows for the interception of internal events, which can alter the inner workings of the framework.
Note: always place the public parts of extensions into Adic namespace.
To create a container extension, which can intercept internal Adic events, you have to:
1. Create the extension class with ContainerExtension
2. Implement Adic.Container.IContainerExtension
3. Subscribe to any events on the container on OnRegister method.
public void OnRegister(IInjectionContainer container) {
container.beforeAddBinding += this.OnBeforeAddBinding;
4. Unsubscribe to any events the extension may use on the container on OnUnregister method.
public void OnUnregister(IInjectionContainer container) {
container.beforeAddBinding -= this.OnBeforeAddBinding;
Container events provide a way to intercept internal actions of the container and change its inner workings to suit the needs of your extension.
All events are available through Adic.InjectionContainer
: occurs before a binding is added.afterAddBinding
: occurs after a binding is added.beforeRemoveBinding
: occurs before a binding is removed.afterRemoveBinding
: occurs after a binding is removed.
: occurs before a type is resolved.afterResolve
: occurs after a type is resolved.bindingEvaluation
: occurs when a binding is available for resolution.bindingResolution
: occures when a binding is resolved to an instance.beforeInject
: occurs before an instance receives injection.afterInject
: occurs after an instance receives injection.
- If an instance is not found, it will be resolved to NULL.
- Multiple injections must occur in an array of the desired type.
- Order of bindings is controlled by just reordering the bindings during container setup.
- Avoid singleton bindings of objects that will be destroyed during execution. This can lead to missing references in the container.
- Any transient object, once resolved, is not tracked by Adic. So, if you want e.g. a list of all prefabs that were resolved by the container, you'll have to store it manually. Singleton objects are kept inside the container, given there is just a single instance of them.
- Adic relies on Unity Test Tools for unit testing. You can download it at Unity Asset Store.
There are some examples that are bundled to the main package that teach the basics and beyond of Adic.
Exemplifies the basics of how to setup a scene for dependency injection using the ContextRoot.
Exemplifies how to bind components to new and existing game objects and allows them to share dependencies.
Exemplifies the use of condition identifiers on injections.
Exemplifies how to bind to prefabs and the use of PostConstruct
as a second constructor.
Exemplifies the use of commands through a simple spawner of a prefab.
Exemplifies the use of bindings setups to better organize the bindings for a container.
Exemplifies the use of a factory to create and position cubes as a matrix.
Please see CHANGELOG.txt.
Found a bug? Please create an issue on the GitHub project page or send a pull request if you have a fix or extension.
You can also send me a message at [email protected] to discuss more obscure matters about Adic.
Licensed under the The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.