This is the Vapor ToDo demo that uses SQLcipher integrated into SQLite-NIO for transparent SQLite database encryption.
The version of SQLcipher used is v4.6.0. It, in turn, requires
libtomcrypt, which is expected to be installed in /usr/local
Build and run the Vapor app.
[ DEBUG ] Server starting on (Vapor/HTTPServer.swift:386)
[ NOTICE ] Server started on (Vapor/HTTPServer.swift:413)
Add data.
% curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"title": "Integrate SQLite-NIO and SQLcipher"}' \
{"id":"24873A58-2634-41E6-A2B5-D3C65F3DD74E","title":"Integrate SQLite-NIO and SQLcipher"}
Vapor app's logging:
[ INFO ] POST /todos [request-id: 6E717499-16BB-4C4E-9191-51BB7C99B799] (Vapor/RouteLoggingMiddleware.swift:14)
[ DEBUG ] Running query [action: create, database-id: sqlite, input: [[id: 24873A58-2634-41E6-A2B5-D3C65F3DD74E, title: "Integrate SQLite-NIO and SQLcipher"]], request-id: 6E717499-16BB-4C4E-9191-51BB7C99B799, schema: todos] (FluentKit/QueryBuilder.swift:335)
[ DEBUG ] Executing query [binds: [24873A58-2634-41E6-A2B5-D3C65F3DD74E, Integrate SQLite-NIO and SQLcipher], database-id: sqlite, request-id: 6E717499-16BB-4C4E-9191-51BB7C99B799, sql: INSERT INTO "todos" ("id", "title") VALUES (?1, ?2) RETURNING "id"] (SQLiteKit/SQLiteConnection+SQLKit.swift:221)
Check the database.
% sqlite3 db.sqlcipher
SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 13:08:14
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .tables
Error: file is not a database
sqlite> ^D
% sqlcipher db.sqlcipher
SQLite version 3.45.3 2024-04-15 13:34:05 (SQLCipher 4.6.0 community)
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .tables
Error: file is not a database
sqlite> pragma key = 'seKret123';
sqlite> .tables
_fluent_migrations todos
sqlite> .mode box
sqlite> select * from todos;
│ id │ title │
│ 24873A58-2634-41E6-A2B5-D3C65F3DD74E │ Integrate SQLite-NIO and SQLcipher │