This is a collection of tools to help to check the ebooks produced by Distributed Proofreaders, before they are submitted to Project Gutenberg.
The frontend for the tools is a web service that can be run locally on a Linux system, or online.
It is currently available for everyone to use at
This is for a local installation on Ubuntu. Several packages have to be installed with the following command line:
sudo apt-get install python3-flask python3-lxml python3-roman w3c-sgml-lib dwdiff python3-tinycss python3-cssselect
On older versions of Ubuntu, some of these packages are not available, they can be installed through pip:
sudo pip3 install cssselect sudo pip3 install flask-wtf sudo pip3 install tinycss sudo pip3 install lxml sudo pip3 install roman sudo pip3 install html5lib
To run the application, cd into wsgi, and run:
Then point a web browser to the displayed URL, usually