Welcome to my experience throughout the Three.js Journey course! This repository is a collection of lessons, experiments, and projects developed while learning and exploring the capabilities of Three.js, a powerful JavaScript library for creating 3D graphics on the web!
This repository contains various projects and experiments created during my journey within the Three.js Journey course and beyond. The goal is to document my learning process, share useful code snippets along the way, and provide a resource for others who are also interested in mastering Three.js. Moreover, this acts as a reference point for any future projects I may want to endure using Three.js or JS in general.
To be added.
- https://threejs-lesson13-webgl-3dtext.vercel.app/ - Lesson 13 WebGL 3D Text
- https://lesson-16-haunted-house.vercel.app/ - Lesson 16 Haunted House
- https://galaxy-generator-td.vercel.app/ - Lesson 18 Galaxy Generator
- https://scroll-based-animations-lesson-19.vercel.app/ - Lesson 19 Scroll Based Animations
- https://physics-cannonjs-lesson20.vercel.app/ - Lesson 20 Physics using Cannon.JS-es
Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. You can download it from Node.js official website.
Clone any lesson/project folder from the repository:
git clone https://github.com/tanujdargan/td-threejs-journey.git cd td-threejs-journey
Install the dependencies:
npm install
To be added.