This application consists of REST APIs to perform CRUD operations using PlayFramework, Scala and Elasticsearch(v6.x) as database.
REST APIs are documented using Swagger.
- Play Framework - 2.4.11
- Scala Library - 2.11.6
- Elasticsearch - 6.2.3
- Elastic4s - 6.2.9
- Swagger - 1.5.0
- Accord - 0.7.2
- Java Faker - 0.15
Once you have above software installed. Download/checkout the project and jump to project directory. Then run below commands to run the application:
docker-compose up
This will start elasticsearch in docker. You can check the status of elasticsearch from your browser by hitting the URL: http://localhost:9200/
Once your elasticsearch is up and running. It's time to start the application.
Run below command to start the application:
sbt run
Play will start up on the HTTP port at http://localhost:9000/. You don't need to deploy or reload anything -- changing any source code while the server is running will automatically recompile and hot-reload the application on the next HTTP request.
- To execute tests:
sbt test
- Swagger documentation of REST APIs can be found at http://localhost:9000/docs/
Tarang Bhalodia