chore: remove sub repo (#6525) #1663
GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report
Sep 4, 2024 in 0s
37 tests run, 36 passed, 0 skipped, 1 failed.
Check failure on line 1 in feature:96:5
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
feature:96:5.Scenario: As a client I want to retrieve a list of transactions I have made and received: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:96:5
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from SENDER to FFI_WALLET with amount 2000000 at fee 20 failed to be broadcasted
Raw output
Scenario: As a client I want to retrieve a list of transactions I have made and received
Given I have a seed node SEED
When I have a base node BASE1 connected to all seed nodes
When I have wallet SENDER connected to base node BASE1
And I have a ffi wallet FFI_WALLET connected to base node BASE1
When I add contact with alias ALIAS1 and address of SENDER to ffi wallet FFI_WALLET
When I have wallet RECEIVER connected to base node BASE1
When I have mining node MINER connected to base node BASE1 and wallet SENDER
When mining node MINER mines 10 blocks
Then all nodes are at height 10
Then I wait for wallet SENDER to have at least 2000000 uT
And I send 2000000 uT from wallet SENDER to wallet FFI_WALLET at fee 20
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:108:9
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
Step panicked. Captured output: Transaction from SENDER to FFI_WALLET with amount 2000000 at fee 20 failed to be broadcasted
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"MINER": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER",
base_node_name: "BASE1",
wallet_name: "SENDER",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {
name: "FFI_WALLET",
port: 18198,
base_dir: "/runner/_work/tari/tari/integration_tests/tests/temp/cucumber_8228/Wallet FFI/As a client I want to retrieve a list of transactions I have made and received/ffi_wallets/FFI_WALLET_port_18198",
wallet: Mutex {
data: Wallet {
ptr: 0x000055fd86456c90,
liveness_data: Mutex {
data: {
"H43h6RxvyMnEyERuzMey9NQkc7oa8nDRByvyWFaLDh6XTXd6aZss4BamYbtgBfreMrfywo37UaydPuxDHscJGbK9hWr": ContactsLivenessData {
ptr: 0x00007f0c4c001bc0,
poisoned: false,
balance: CachedBalance {
available: 0,
time_locked: 0,
pending_incoming: 0,
pending_outgoing: 0,
poisoned: false,
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
chat_clients: [],
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,