This is a web application that accepts content in the form of links (or plain text), parses the content, converts to speech and places in each user's podcast feed.
It uses python/flask on the back end and Bootstrap and HTMX on the front end.
- Docker (dev environment)
- ngrok (dev environment)
- direnv
- S3
- OpenAI API access (Text-to-speech voice models)
- Amazon Polly API Access (if more voices are desired)
- Google TTS API Access (if more voices are desired)
cp .envrc.sample .envrc
and update all lines denoted with 'update' commentdirenv allow
- Create a virtual environment
virtualenv -p $(which python3) virtualenv_python
- Install python packages
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Install all NPM modules
npm install
- Start everything
Since the ngrok static url is public, there's a password challenge:
user: misc pass: misc
Use following command to ssh to containers:
docker exec -it [CONTAINER NAME] /bin/bash
For example, to connect to the clipcast-local container:
docker exec -it clipcast-local /bin/bash
You'll probably want to know what the output of the stuff in the containers is, particularly clipcast-local
docker logs --follow clipcast-local
webpack lives outside of docker, so no special docker command needed. Shut down the instance and run this in project directory:
npm install [PACKAGE]
Not straightforward because the packages live locally in the virtual environment as well as in the container. While the containers are running, in another terminal do this from project dir (replace [PACKAGE] with name of package you're installing):
pip3 install [PACKAGE]; pip3 freeze > requirements.txt; docker exec -it clipcast-local pip3 install -r requirements.txt
unfortunately you have to re-create the image if you want the package there next time you start
for development you can use the flask interactive shell REPL. Unfortunately it does not live-reload when file changes are made. From WITHIN the docker container:
flask shell
ctx = app.test_request_context()
Then do imports:
from flask_app.modules.tts.openai_tts import OpenAITTS
and call functions:
OpenAITTS("/project/tmp/tests.mp3", "Thank you for using clipcast", “fable”).synthesize_speech()
Testing is with Playwright
npx playwright test --workers=1 --ui --headed --debug
For deveoping tests
npx playwright test --workers=1 --trace=on --project=chromium
run all tests headless just with chromium
npx playwright test --workers=1
Runs the end-to-end tests.
npx playwright test --workers=1 e2e/03_add_episode.spec.js --project=webkit --trace=on
runs a specific test with a specific browser
npx playwright test --ui --workers=1
Starts the interactive UI mode.
npx playwright test example --workers=1
Runs the tests in a specific file.
npx playwright test --debug --workers=1
Runs the tests in debug mode.
npx playwright codegen
Auto generate tests with Codegen.