Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
This is a development version of Baïkal 2 - NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE.
Baïkal 2 is based on SabreDAV and Symfony2. Baïkal 2 is designed to be usable on PAAS hosting out-of-the-box (https://www.heroku.com/, https://scalingo.com/, etc.).
Have a look at the running demo here : http://baikal2.scalingo.io (Hosting graciously provided by Scalingo).
Fellow backend and frontend developers, we need your help !
The roadmap to version 2.0 is here: https://github.com/netgusto/Baikal/milestones/Ba%C3%AFkal%202.0.0
If you want to help, and you have a strong experience in Symfony, ReactJS, HTML/CSS, or anything else you think could be useful, please contact us at [email protected] or on Twitter http://twitter.com/BaikalServer
Admin Dashboard
User management
Calendar web client, week view (full-featured)
Calendar web client, month view (read-only for now)
Contact web client (read-only for now)
Scalingo is the trendy European PAAS provider. See their offer here https://scalingo.com
git clone -b branch-2 https://github.com/netgusto/Baikal.git
- Create your Scalingo application (let's say we call it my-baikal)
- Add the MySQL addon to your container
- Define the Scalingo environment variable using the Application Admin panel in Scalingo:
cd Baikal
git remote add scalingo [email protected]:my-baikal.git
git push scalingo branch-2:master
- Once the app has booted, open http://my-baikal.scalingo.io in your web browser.
- Log in using the default account created during initialization (username: admin, password: password).
- First thing to do then is to change your password (Upper right corner of the screen: My profile).
- Et voilà !
Heroku is the leading American PAAS provider. See their offer here http://heroku.com
git clone -b branch-2 https://github.com/netgusto/Baikal.git
- Create your Heroku app (let's say we call it my-baikal)
cd Baikal
- Bind your app to Heroku:
heroku git:remote -a my-baikal
- Add the PostgreSQL addon to your app:
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
and note the name of your database (something likeHEROKU_POSTGRESQL_AMBER_URL
) - Promote the database:
with the name Heroku just gave you on the previous line) - Declare the PHP buildpack:
heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php
- Deploy:
git push heroku branch-2:master
- Once the app has booted, open http://my-baikal.herokuapp.com in your web browser.
- Log in using the default account created during initialization (username: admin, password: password).
- First thing to do then is to change your password (Upper right corner of the screen: My profile).
- Et voilà !
Note: for now, composer is required for the installation.
# 1. Install composer if not already installed: <https://getcomposer.org/download/>
# 2. Clone the Baïkal 2 source code
$ git clone -b branch-2 https://github.com/netgusto/Baikal.git
# 4. Enter the Baikal folder
$ cd Baikal
# 5. Initialize the application settings
$ cp app/config/defaults/data.parameters.dist.yml data/parameters.yml
$ cp app/config/defaults/data.environment.dist.yml data/environment.yml
# 6. Configure your database connection in data/environment.yml
# // open 'data/environment.yml', uncomment and edit the DATABASE_URL variable
# // By default, Baïkal will use a SQLite database stored in 'data/database.db'
# 7. Install Baïkal PHP dependencies, and initialize Baïkal
# // at the root of the project
$ composer install --optimize-autoloader
# 10. Boot the PHP built-in server (just to test the app; in production, use an HTTP server like Apache or nginx)
$ php app/console server:run --env=prod
And then open http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.
Log in using the default account created during initialization (username: admin, password: password).
First thing to do then is to change your password (Upper right corner of the screen: My profile).
Note: composer
, npm
, bower
and grunt
are required for development.
# 1. Install composer if not already installed: <https://getcomposer.org/download/>
# 2. Install node + npm for your system if not already installed: <http://nodejs.org/download/>
# 3. Clone the Baïkal2 source code
$ git clone -b branch-2 https://github.com/netgusto/Baikal.git
# 4. Enter the Baikal folder
$ cd Baikal
# 5. Initialize the application settings
$ cp app/config/defaults/data.parameters.dist.yml data/parameters.yml
$ cp app/config/defaults/data.environment.dist.yml data/environment.yml
# 6. Configure your database connection in data/environment.yml
# // open 'data/environment.yml', uncomment and edit the DATABASE_URL variable
# // By default, Baïkal will use a SQLite database stored in 'data/database.db'
# 7. Install Baïkal PHP dependencies, and initialize Baïkal
# // at the root of the project
$ composer install --optimize-autoloader
# 8. Install required node packages in the global scope:
$ sudo npm install -g bower grunt-cli
# 9. Unpack subprojects
$ npm run unpack
# 10. Boot the development server
$ npm run dev
And then open http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.
Log in using the default account created during initialization (username: admin, password: password).
First thing to do then is to change your password (Upper right corner of the screen: My profile).
If you modified the frontend apps (located in web/apps/
), make sure to build them before release:
$ npm run build
- Add unit tests
- Add "Todo list" feature
- Add "Notes" feature ?
- Add Import
- Add export
- Add calendar sharing
- Review Baïkal 1 github feature requests, and implement the most demanded ones.
If you are willing to participate, and know your way in whatever domain you want to help, please feel free to mail me at [email protected] (I have little time so please do not lose your patience if I don't answer :p)
For both http and https
- "Add account ..."
- Select "Manual"
- login: your Baïkal username
- pass: your password
- Host:
(http:// or https://)- Note the required trailing slash; if missing, Apple Calendar will not be able to autoconnect to Baïkal