Clojure wrapper for the excellant codahale metrics library (
Metric names are created according to a customisable metric-name-spec. This specification vector describes which parts of a methods meta data should be used to build a name.
In short it takes two steps to get this working:
First you have to register the namespaces you want to use metrics in:
(apply-metricks 'my.namespace)
Then you simply add metadata to the functions you want metrics for:
(defn ^:timer foo [] "bar")
Add metricks to your project.clj
[org.clojars.mantree/metricks "0.1.9"]
Bring in the apply-metricks function to your setup namespace
(:require [metricks.core :refer [apply-metricks])
Tell metricks about teh namespaces you want to monitor
(apply-metricks 'my.namespace 'my.othernamespace)
Now you can add meta data to your functions to time them
(defn ^:timer foo [] "bar")
Or you can gauge your atoms:
(def ^:gauge fizz (atom "buzz"))
This will use the default name specification:
["info" :name-space :func-name]
So for the examples above, you'd get timer metric called "" and a gauge called ""