A webapp and API that anonymizes naming entities in text.
The API can anonymize in 2 ways:
Change all named entitied to X's
This can be used in the API by sending a POST request to
Return text and positions of all naming entities
This can be used in the API by sending a POST request to
import requests
send_json = {
'name': 'Input Text',
'text': 'Your Text Here'
x_anonymize_api = 'http://ec2-3-235-197-114.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8000/x_anonymize'
get_entity_positions_api = 'http://ec2-3-235-197-114.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8000/entity_positions'
response = requests.post(x_anonymize_api, json=send_json)
Make sure docker and docker-compose are both installed, Check how to from official documentation
CD to directory
Run docker-compose.yml file or docker-compose.prod.yml file. The difference is the former reflects changes made since docker volume mapping is used in it while the latter doesn't reflect changes unless docker images is rebuilt.
sudo docker network create --driver bridge <your-network-name>
To setup API Image
sudo docker build -t text_anonymizer:api -f ./app/Dockerfile.api .
To create and run API Container
sudo docker run -d --name api -p 8000:8000 text_anonymizer:api --network <your-network-name>
To start up docker web app image
sudo docker build -t text_anonymizer:app -f ./app/Dockerfile.webapp .
To create and run web app container
sudo docker run -d --name app -p 80:8501 text_anonymizer:app --network <your-network-name>