FTAN analysis and inversion of seismic surface waves
git clone https://github.com/thecraigoneill/FTANos
cd FTANos
pip install .
Make sure you have the requirements installed as noted in the requirements.txt file. We recommend an anaconda environment with disba and obspy installed.
A self contained example from the paper can be run using the file Examples/plot_digitise_FTAN.py. It will create an FTAN map of the seismogram in the "example_trace.sac" file.
The user then follows the prompts to click the origin, x max, and y max of the plot, before digitising the fundamental. Finish by pressing escape.
A second code, found in Examples/run_FTAN.py, then runs an inversion, using a staggered Nelder-Mead simplex, and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach. This should give a result like this:
Note that MCMC inversion are stochastic, and so end-products may differ due to the stochastic nature of the process. If the inversion fails or the fit is not acceptable (it happens), run again.
For a detailed description of the examples and code working, see the Documentation folder.