feat: adds createPlaidLink hook and Plaid Link components #19
2 errors
src/hooks/__tests__/createPlaidLink.test.tsx > HOOK: createPlaidLink > creates Plaid Link handler when script is ready and link token received:
AssertionError: expected "setTimeout" to be called with arguments: [ Any<Function>, 10500000 ]
1st setTimeout call:
Array [
- Any<Function>,
- 10500000,
+ [Function handleTimeout],
+ 1000,
2nd setTimeout call:
Array [
- Any<Function>,
- 10500000,
+ [Function load],
+ 28500000,
Number of calls: 2
❯ src/hooks/__tests__/createPlaidLink.test.tsx:253:30
❯ src/hooks/__tests__/createPlaidLink.test.tsx:236:5
Quality Checks
Process completed with exit code 1.