How to run
# For MediaWiki >= 1.33
docker run -d -p 8080:8000 -e PARSOID_DOMAIN_localhost=http://localhost/w/api.php thenets/parsoid:0.11.0
See more at:,_2020)
This is the LAST release of the JS implementation of Parsoid. Parsoid has been ported from JS to PHP and will be more closely integrated into MediaWiki and will not need its own debian package henceforth.
- Updated bundled parsoid to git commit 5d37da17
- See src/ for details of what changed in Parsoid. Notable changes:
- Parsoid HTML version is now 2.1.0
- Lots of code cleanup and code refactoring
- Language converter move out to its own repo
This release is breaking (switching between visual and source editing) for versions of MediaWiki 1.31.x, possibly also 1.32.x and lower. If your are using one of these versions, do not upgrade Parsoid.