A powershell module for the EventStore.
Get the EventStore at http://geteventstore.com
Install PSCompletion and PSEventStore module in your Module folder. Import module:
PS> Import-Module PSEventStore
You can manage the module folders with the $env:PSModulePath variable.
Quick installation with PSGet
Install PSGet:
PS> iwr http://psget.net/GetPsGet.ps1 | iex
Install PSEventStore:
PS> Install-Module -ModuleUrl https://github.com/thinkbeforecoding/PSEventStore/archive/master.zip
PsCompletion will be installed automaticaly by PSEventStore installation.
You're done !
Set your default EventStore by setting the $global:store variable. If not set, the default value is http://localhost:2113
PS> $global:store = 'http://myserver:2113'
You can add this to your profile to make it set in your next sessions.
You can then get the list of streams:
PS> Get-ESStream
Get a stream events :
PS> Get-ESEvent stream
Get a stream events references:
PS> Get-ESEvent stream -RefOnly
To create and send an event:
PS> New-ESEvent SomethingHappened @{Value = 42} | Write-ESEvent stream
To create a new stream explicitly:
PS> New-ESStream newstream -MetaData @{MaxAge = 100000}
To delete a stream:
PS> Remove-ESStream stream
Executing queries
To invoke a transient query, just call
PS> Invoke-ESQuery 'fromAll().when({$init: function() { return 0;}, $any: function(s,e) { return ++s; }})'
This query will return the total count of events in the store.
You can add the -ShowProgress flag to see the query running.
Get the existing projections with :
PS> Get-ESProjection
Name Status Mode %Done Position Last CheckPoint
---- ------ ---- ----- -------- ---------------
$streams Stopped Continuous -1,0 % 0/-1 0/-1
$stream_by_category Stopped Continuous -1,0 % 0/-1 0/-1
$by_category Stopped Continuous -1,0 % 0/-1 0/-1
$by_event_type Stopped Continuous -1,0 % 0/-1 0/-1
You can use wilecard filters like :
PS> Get-ESProjection *stream*
To get a projection current state :
PS> Get-ESProjectionState name
It will return the current state object.
To start a projection :
PS> Enable-ESProjection name
To stop a projection :
PS> Disable-ESProjection
To get a projection query definition:
PS> Get-ESProjectionQuery name
To change a projection query definition:
PS> Set-ESProjectionQuery name @'
.when({ ... })
The definition is using here a multiline here string.
To create a one time projection :
PS> $p = New-ESProjection name OneTime 'fromAll()...'
To create a new continuous projection :
PS> $p = New-ESProjection name Continuous 'fromAll()...'
One you put a projection in a variable, you can pipe it to other commands instead of passing a name:
PS> $p | Get-ESProjectionState
To delete a projection:
PS> Remove-ESProjection name
By default, all operations are done on the event store at You can manage several servers (including default one) with remotes.
To get a list of remotes :
PS> Get-ESRemote -ListAvailable
To set a remote :
PS> Set-ESRemote Prod http://myprodserver:2113
You can the use Prod as an alias in every other command that takes -Store parameter :
PS> Get-ESEvent -All -Store Prod
This will return all events from the event store at http://myprodserver:2113
You can of course set a new value for Default that will be used when no -Store parameter is specified.
To remove a registered remote :
PS> Remove-ESRemote Prod
This will remove the specified alias.
You can still pass a full address to the -Store parameter for servers that are not registered:
PS> Get-ESEvent -All http://otherserver:2113
You can use completion on all -Store parameters, it will suggest registered remotes.
You can query the EventStore statistics with:
PS> Get-ESStatistics
There's a bunch of options to get more precise stats:
PS> Get-ESStatistics Processor
Here's the whole list: All Processor ProcessorDiskIO ProcessorTcp ProcessorGc System SystemDrive EventStore EventStoreQueue EventStoreReadIndex
Have fun !