This Next.js example project follows the Direct Payments guide and shows you how to build a cross-chain purchase flow that:
- Sends tokens to your merchant wallet address using thirdweb's Pre-built Pay component.
- Sends an NFT to the buyer's wallet address using thirdweb Engine.
You can use Direct Payments to trade any token with fiat or crypto:
⏰ Instant Cross-Chain Payments: Send an NFT on the chain of your choice. This is great for giving customers their NFT in your application without requiring them to onboard tokens first.
🔁 Limited Liquidity Token Swaps: Allow users to purchase your custom ERC20 directly from you without listing them on a DEX. All you need is a wallet funded with your custom ERC20.
The main logic for this example can be found in src/app/page.tsx
(client) and src/app/api/route.ts
In order to run this example, you'll need to copy .env.sample
to a new .env
and populate the following fields:
should be the merchant wallet address you'd like funds to be sent to. This could be your business wallet, for example.
To create a Client ID, navigate to the Settings page in your dashboard and click Create API Key. Copy the Client ID field and paste it into your .env
Head to our Contract Explorer and choose the token contract (ERC20, ERC721, ERC721C, ERC1155) that suits your use case. In our example, we utilize the NFT Drop contract. Enter the required information and select your chain. Once your contract has been deployed, copy the contract address and paste it into your .env
Navigate to your Pay Dashboard, click the "Webhooks" tab, and click "Create Webhook". Enter the URL where you'd like to listen events. Copy the generated Webhook Secret and paste it into your .env
For testing, we recommend using Create a Pay webhook using the generated webhook URL, and then use the CLI and the token (found at the end of your URL) to forward incoming requests to your localhost.

whcli forward --token=36f7ceed-01fb-419e-b810-30c72575c88f --target=http://localhost:3000/api
If you have not already deployed an Engine instance, navigate to the Engine Dashboard and click "Create Engine Instance". Select the tier that best suits your use case. Once you've deployed, copy the generated URL and paste it into your .env
Once you've deployed your Engine, click into your instance and navigate to the Access Tokens page. Click "Create Access Token". Copy the generated token and paste it into your .env
Now, you can run your development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Your Direct Payments client and server will now run at localhost:3000