Convert plotly figures to tikz code for inclusion into PGFPlots (PGF/TikZ) figures.
This results in a tikz code, that can be easily included into your LaTeX document. This also allows to easily edit the content of the figure.
More details can be found in the documentation.
The following Python code
import as px
import tikzplotly
df ="continent == 'Oceania'")
fig = px.line(df, x='year', y='lifeExp', color='country', markers=True)"example.tex", fig)
will result in the following tikz code
\pgfplotstableread{data0 Australia New_Zealand
1952 69.12 69.39
1957 70.33 70.26
1962 70.93 71.24
1967 71.1 71.52
1972 71.93 71.89
1977 73.49 72.22
1982 74.74 73.84
1987 76.32 74.32
1992 77.56 76.33
1997 78.83 77.55
2002 80.37 79.11
2007 81.235 80.204
\addplot+ [mark=*, solid, color=636efa, mark options={solid, draw=636efa}] table[y=Australia] {\dataZ};
\addplot+ [mark=*, solid, color=EF553B, mark options={solid, draw=EF553B}] table[y=New_Zealand] {\dataZ};
\addlegendentry{New Zealand}
Tikzplotly is available from the Python Package Index, so it can be installed with pip
pip install tikzplotly
- Generate the figure with Plotly,
- Invoke
to convert the figure to tikz code :
import tikzplotly"figure.tex", fig)
- Add the content of the generated file
to your LaTeX document :
To correctly compile the document, you will need to add the following packages to your preamble :
- This module is in development and new features are added bit by bit, when needed. If you have a feature request, please open an issue with the plotly figure you want to convert and the desired output. You can also submit a pull request with the desired feature !
- Some feature can result in different output between the plotly figure and the tikz figure, for instance the size of markers, more details can be found in the documentation.
- plotly
- PGFPlots (with manual)
- PGF/TikZ
- tikzplotlib : a similar project for matplotlib figures from which this one is inspired.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.