Releases: thompsonnoahe/StreamDeckGpuLegacy
This release will fix an issue that prevented the correct usage metric from being reported on AMD systems, along with other improvements and fixes.
What's Changed
- Fixes for AMD systems by @thompsonnoahe in
Full Changelog: thompsonnoahe/StreamDeckGpu@v1.2.4...v1.2.5
Version 1.2.4
This update will automatically filter out integrated GPUs (iGPUs) from the selection list as they are unsupported.
The gpu.exe executable is also code signed for security reasons.
Version 1.2.3
New feature alert! 🚨
The plugin will now save the selected device and will preserve the change when the PC or the Stream Deck app is restarted.
Note: Some users may have to reset their selection after the update
Full Changelog: thompsonnoahe/StreamDeckGpu@v1.2.2...v1.2.3
Version 1.2.2
This version introduces a fix for a case where GPU duplicates may occur.
Full Changelog: thompsonnoahe/StreamDeckGpu@v1.2.1...v1.2.2
Version 1.2.1
Quick improvement for 1.2: launch the associated GPU driver manager app with the click of a button! ✅
UPDATE: If you experience any issues on your system, please install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables here:
Version 1.2
A new version of Stream Deck GPU is out!
Features ✨
- Fixed high CPU usage 📈
- Introduced new settings menu for selecting a device ⚙️
- Plugin will load a previously selected device for that session or a default at startup 🔃
- Bump ADLX to 1.3 ⬆️
Version 1.1.1
This version is a minor improvement, replacing the usage of OpenGL with the DirectX APIs.
Version 1.1
Version 1.1 of the Stream Deck GPU Utilization Plugin
Full Changelog: thompsonnoahe/StreamDeckGpu@v1.0.0...v1.1.0
Version 1.0!
Version 1.0 of the Stream Deck GPU Utilization Plugin!
- Support for NVIDIA and AMD GPUs on Windows (unverified for AMD, however!) 💻
- Fancy icon ✨
- Loads of awesomeness 🙌🏻