v1.5.9 - DatabaseSyncer and Offline Install improvements
🛠️ Added
wait_for_dataload_completion = true|false
parameter to Falcon Syncer- experimental support for
data loading into Databricks Syncer identation
level for prettier output in JSON Syncer- clamping and warnings on
searchable metadata
is set out of bounds (1-10)
🔧 Modified
- more logging to Falcon Syncer for when data loads fail
- bump Snowflake Syncer to
snowflake-sqlalchemy >= 1.6.1
🐛 Bugfix
- fix for
falcon-sharding gather
not collecting the correct data from a private API - #145 | fix for
scriptability export
missing Connections - #156 | fix for JSON Syncer, date[time] not serializable
- fix for Snowflake Syncer for private key-pair support
- fix for
searchable deploy
properly customizing TML on all supportedDatabaseSyncer
🫀 CS Tools Internals
- compat for
back to TS 9.5.0 - don't rollback
transactions on known errors (click.Abort
) - vendor keyboard interactivity (eg. for tools like Archiver)
- fully support air-gapped offline installs with
cs_tools self download
This is part of the major 1.5.0 series of releases, read about it in Our Documentation.
Full Changelog: v1.5.8...v1.5.9