Releases: thoughtspot/thoughtspot_rest_api_v1_python
Added the bearer token methods from V2 class to V1 class since it works for both
Updating to 1.8 series to reflect new endpoints in upcoming 10.4 release
A fix in TSRestApiV1.group_users_post() to handle response correctly, was looking for JSON in body and causing and exception
Change to TSRestApiV1.metadata_tml_import() - when using 'JSON' (default) input, every object is now dumped to string individually before being wrapped into a final JSON array format. Use formattype='JSON_STR' if you are inputting already stringified JSON, or 'YAML' for a YAML string.
Added set_tcp_keep_alive_adaptor() method to TSRestApiV1 and TSRestApiV2 classes. Use get_default_tcp_keep_alive_adaptor() to get a default version of the correct object to pass in or look at the requests_toolbelt documentation for other settings to do. This is a fix for situations with very long-running connections such as large TML imports.
Updates to include all the newer endpoints in the V2.0 library, plus modifications to a few older endpoints with added parameters
Update to session_login_token_post() method to get the headers right
Updates to connection_fetch_connection and connection_fetch_live_columns to use the public V1 endpoints. Also update to session_auth_token to use the correct request headers, which was breaking requests on the most recent ThoughSpot versions (it also returns the string now, looks like that got affected at some point as well). Available as always to install via standard PyPi pip commands
Quick bugfix release that corrects the endpoint on V2 metadata_tml_export