neovim integrated modular shell for hackers /my neovim config/
hi there! this is my neovim config, my config began as a starter config to nvchad and then i stopped and learned neovim again with kikstarter template and then integrated them both. i personally use nix on my system and this config is in a way that it uses nix to install all the packages required by neovim instead of mason (i'm still on the fence about this one, classic determinism vs flexibility debate). this config is pretty minimal (i guess) and focused on systems programming languages, hardware description languages and embedded development. with some flare for markdown writing utilities.
under development and bugs are expected, issues are welcome p.s. and yup that's the catppuccin logo, will draw something out when time permits
- snippets config
- just command runner
- tasks runner
- codeblock execution
- typesetting configuration with latex and typst: mupdf?
- python testing
- ruff lsp integration
- venv loader
- c/c++ testing
- clang-format fix for platformio
- some assembly utils
- move markdown preview and command runners in the name of matilda.nvim
- notebooks in browser
- test it in linux
- luarocks?
- c, cpp, zig, rust?
- verilog, systemverilog
- python
- javascript, astro, svelte
- markdown, typst, latex?
for search and replace with confirmation
- github markdown preview
move to version 10flying on nightly -
remapping J and K to faster movementusing default bindings and leap plugin -
partial integration with vscodekeeping vscode neovim config separate - setup nix formatting using alejandra
- nix compatibility to lsp and my workflow
- remove configs directory
- get rid of alpha.nvim?
- proper spell checks
- snacks.nvim integration
- veridian config
- minimal statusline
- tj for the awesome tutorials and kikstarter.nvim
- prime for his stunning personality
- awesome plugins from all the awesome people