Elegant astronomy for TypeScript. Supercharged by Bun.
normalizeAngle(TAU + PI) // Normalize the angle in radians
deg(90) // Convert degree to radian
hour(22) // Convert hour to radian
arcmin(10) // Convert arcminute to radian
arcsec(45) // Convert arcsecond to radian
mas(300) // Convert milliarcsecond to radian
dms(86, 40, 17.5) // Convert degree-minute-second to radian
hms(22, 40, 17.5) // Convert hour-minute-second to radian
toDeg(PI) // Convert radian to degree
toHour(PI) // Convert radian to hour
toArcmin(PI) // Convert radian to arcminute
toArcsec(PI) // Convert radian to arcsecond
toMas(PI) // Convert radian to milliarcsecond
toDms(PI) // Convert radian to degree-minute-second
toHms(PI) // Convert radian to hour-minute-second
parseAngle('12h 45m 14.56s') // Parse the dms/hms angle represented as string
formatAngle(PI, { isHour: true }) // Format the angle with custom representation
formatHms(PI) // Format the angle as 00:00:00.00
formatDms(PI) // Format the angle as 00d00m00.00s
formatSignedDms(PI) // Format the angle as +00d00m00.00s
sensors(page) // List sensors
sensor(id) // Get sensor by id
cameras(page) // List cameras
camera(id) // Get camera by id
telescopes(page) // List telescopes
telescope(id) // Get telescope by id
distance(p) // Distance in AU
lightTime(p) // Days of light travel time
equatorial(p) // Transform to equatorial coordinate
parallacticAngle(ha, dec, latitude) // The deviation between zenith angle and north angle
separationFrom(a, b) // Angle between the positions
gcrs(icrs, time, [ebp, ebv], ehp) // Compute the GCRS cartesian coordinate from ICRS at time
cirs(icrs, time, [ebp, ebv], ehp) // Compute the CIRS cartesian coordinate from ICRS at time
hadec(icrs, time, [ebp, ebv], ehp, { pressure, temperature, relativeHumidity, wl }) // Compute the HA/DEC spherical coordinate from ICRS
altaz(icrs, time, [ebp, ebv], ehp, { pressure, temperature, relativeHumidity, wl }) // Compute the AZ/ALT spherical coordinate from ICRS
const { header, data } = readCsv(lines, options) // Read CSV file
readDaf(source) // Read NASA DAF file
meter(800) // Convert m to AU
kilometer(300000) // Convert km to AU
lightYear(8.7) // Convert light year to AU
parsec(10) // Convert parsec to AU
toMeter(1) // Convert AU to m
toKilometer(1) // Convert AU to km
toLightYear(1) // Convert AU to light year
toParsec(1) // Convert AU to parsec
readFits(source) // Read FITS file from source
writeFits(sink, fits) // Write FITS file to sink
fk5(ra, dec, distance) // FK5 coordinate from given spherical coordinate
fk5ToIcrs(frame) // Convert FK5 coordinate to ICRS coordinate
precessFk5(frame, from, to) // Precess the FK5 coordinate from equinox to other
precessFk5FromJ2000(frame, equinox) // Precess the FK5 coordinate from J2000 to equinox
precessFk5ToJ2000(frame, equinox) // Precess the FK5 coordinate from equinox to J2000
hips2Fits(survey, ra, dec, options) // Extract a FITS image from a HiPS
hipsSurveys() // List available HiPS
observer(command, center, coord, startTime, endTime, quantities, options)
observerWithOsculatingElements(parameters, coord, startTime, endTime, quantities, options)
observerWithTle(tle, coord, startTime, endTime, quantities, options)
spkFile(id, startTime, endTime)
icrs(ra, dec, distance) // ICRS coordinate from given spherical coordinate
icrsToFk5(frame) // Convert ICRS coordinate to FK5 coordinate
delta(time) // UT1-UTC at time
xy(time) // Polar motion angles at time
fromFits(fits) // Create image from FITS file
toFormat(image, path, format) // Save image to path as png, jpeg, webp, etc
stf(image, midtone, shadow, highlight) // Apply STF to image
bufferSink(sink) // Create a seekable sink from Buffer
fileHandleSink(sink) // Create a seekable sink from FileHandle
bufferSource(buffer) // Create a seekable source from Buffer
fileHandleSource(handle) // Create a seekable source from FileHandle
readableStreamSource(stream) // Create a source from ReadableStream
readUntil(source, buffer, size, offset) // Read n bytes from source
readLines(source, chunkSize) // Read lines from source
sourceTransferToSink(source, sink) // Transfer from sink to source
itrs(location) // ITRS xyz position for location
itrsRotationAt(time) // ITRS rotation matrix at time
geodeticLocation(longitude, latitude, elevation, Ellipsoid.IERS2010) // Location from longitude, latitude, elevation and ellipsoid form
geocentricLocation(x, y, z, Ellipsoid.IERS2010) // Location from |xyz| geocentric coordinate and ellipsoid form
lst(location, time, false, false) // Mean/apparent Local Sidereal Time
polarRadius(Ellipsoid.IERS2010) // Earth's polar radius
gcrsRotationAt(location, time) // GCRS rotation of the location at time
const server = new Lx200ProtocolServer(host, port, options)
server.start() // Start server
server.stop() // Stop server
pmod(-PI, TAU) // Modulo where the result is always non-negative
divmod(10, 4) // The quotient and the remainder of division
floorDiv(10, 4) // The integer floor of the fractional value (x / y)
twoSum(0.1, 0.2) // Sum both exactly in two 64-bit floats
split(0.5) // Split in two aligned parts
twoProduct(0.5, 0.4) // Multiply both exactly in two 64-bit floats
const m: MutMat3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
zeroMat() // Matrix filled with zeroes
identity() // Identity matrix
rotX(PI, m) // Rotate the matrix around x-axis
rotY(PI, m) // Rotate the matrix around y-axis
rotZ(PI, m) // Rotate the matrix around z-axis
cloneMat(m) // Clone the matrix
copyMat(m, n) // Copy the matrix to another matrix
determinant(m) // Determinant of the matrix
trace(m) // Trace of the matrix
transpose(m) // Transpose the matrix
transposeMut(m) // Transpose the matrix on it
flipX(m) // Flip the x-axis of the matrix
flipXMut(m) // Flip the x-axis of the matrix on it
flipY(m) // Flip the y-axis of the matrix
flipYMut(m) // Flip the y-axis of the matrix on it
negateMat(m) // Negate the matrix
negateMatMut(m) // Negate the matrix on it
plusMatScalar(m, 2) // Sum the matrix by a scalar
minusMatScalar(m, 2) // Subtract the matrix by a scalar
mulMatScalar(m, 2) // Multiply the matrix by a scalar
divMatScalar(m, 2) // Divide the matrix by a scalar
plusMat(m, n) // Sum two matrices
minusMat(m, n) // Subtract two matrices
mulMat(m, n) // Multiply two matrices
mulMatVec(m, v) // Multiply the matrix by a vector
mulTransposeMatVec(m, v) // Multiply the transpose of the matrix by a vector
pascal(1) // Convert pascal to millibar
atm(1) // Convert atm to millibar
toPascal(1) // Convert millibar to pascal
toAtm(1) // Convert millibar to atm
search('C/2017 K2')
identify(date, longitude, latitude, elevation, fovRa, fovDec, fovRaWidth, fovDecWidth, magLimit, magRequired)
closeApproaches(dateMin, dateMax, distance)
const { header, data } = simbadQuery(query) // Search on Simbad TAP service
const s = readSpk(daf) // Read a SPK file
s.segment(Naif.SSB, Naif.EMB)!.compute(time) // Compute the position and velocity at time
const sirius = star(ra, dec, pmRA, pmDEC, parallax, rv, epoch) // ICRS cartesian coordinate from star parameters
bcrs(sirius, time) // BCRS cartesian coordinate at time
const server = new StellariumProtocolServer(host, port, options)
server.start() // Start server
server.send(ra, dec) // Send the current coordinate
server.stop() // Stop server
readCatalogDat(source) // Read Stellarium's catalog.dat file
searchAround(catalog, ra, dec, fov) // Search around coordinate
fahrenheit(1) // Convert fahrenheit to celsius
kelvin(1) // Convert Kelvin to celsius
toFahrenheit(1) // Convert celsius to fahrenheit
toKelvin(1) // Convert celsius to Kelvin
time(2460650, 0.37456, Timescale.UTC, true) // Time from day and fraction
timeUnix(1735133314, Timescale.UTC) // Time from unix seconds
timeNow() // Time from now
timeMJD(51544, Timescale.UTC) // Time from MJD date
timeJulian(2000.5, Timescale.UTC) // Time from Julian date
timeBesselian(1950.5, Timescale.UTC) // Time from Besselian date
timeYMDHMS(2024, 12, 25, 9, 10, 11.5, Timescale.UTC) // Time from year, month, day, hour, minute and second
timeGPS(630720013) // Time from GPS seconds
normalizeTime(2460650, 8.37456, 0, Timescale.UTC) // Normalize day and fraction
subtractTime(a, b) // Subtract two Times
toDate(time) // Convert the time to year, month, day, hour, minute, second and nanosecond
ut1(time) // Convert the time to UT1 scale
utc(time) // Convert the time to UTC scale
tai(time) // Convert the time to TAI scale
tt(time) // Convert the time to TT scale
tcg(time) // Convert the time to TCG scale
tdb(time) // Convert the time to TDB scale
tcb(time) // Convert the time to TCB scale
gast(time) // Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time at time
gmst(time) // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time at time
era(time) // Earth Rotation Angle at time
meanObliquity(time) // Mean Obliquity at time
trueObliquity(time) // True Oblioquity at time
trueEclipticRotation(time) // True Ecliptic Rotation matrix at time
nutationAngles(time) // Nutation angles at time
precessionMatrix(time) // Precession matrix at time
precessionNutationMatrix(time) // Precession-Nutation matrix at time
equationOfOrigins(time) // Equation of Origins matrix at time
pmAngles(time) // Polar Motion angles at time
pmMatrix(time) // Polar Motion matrix at time
tirsRotationAt(time) // TIRS rotation matrix at time
zeroVec() // Vector filled with zeroes
xAxis() // X-axis vector
yAxis() // Y-axis vector
zAxis() // Z-axis vector
cloneVec(v) // Clone the vector
normalizeVec(v) // Normalize the vector
length(v) // Length of the vector
distanceBetween(v, u) // Distance between vectors
angle(v, u) // Angle between vectors
dot(v, u) // Dot product between vectors
cross(v, u) // Cross product between vectors
negateVec(v) // Negate the vector
plusVecScalar(v, 2) // Sum the vector by a scalar
minusVecScalar(v, 2) // Subtract the vector by a scalar
mulSVeccalar(v, 2) // Multiply the vector by a scalar
divVecScalar(v, 2) // Divide the vector by a scalar
plusVec(v, u) // Sum two vectors
minusVec(v, u) // Subtract two vectors
mulVec(v, u) // Multiply two vectors
divVec(v, u) // Divide two vectors
rotateByRodrigues(v, axis, PI / 4) // Rotate the vector around an axis
plane(v, u, w) // Vector from plane of three vectors
kilometerPerSecond(10) // Convert km/s to AU/d
meterPerSecond(1000) // Convert m/s to AU/d
toKilometerPerSecond(1) // Convert AU/d to km/s
toMeterPerSecond(1) // Convert AU/d to m/s
const { header, data } = vizierQuery(query) // Search on Vizier TAP service
sun(time) // Compute the position and velocity of the Sun
mercury(time) // Compute the position and velocity of Mercury
venus(time) // Compute the position and velocity of Venus
earth(time) // Compute the position and velocity of Earth
mars(time) // Compute the position and velocity of Mars
jupiter(time) // Compute the position and velocity of Jupiter
saturn(time) // Compute the position and velocity of Saturn
uranus(time) // Compute the position and velocity of Uranus
neptune(time) // Compute the position and velocity of Neptune
Thanks to all these projects: