Algorithm::MinMaxHeap - A Raku implementation of double ended priority queue
use Algorithm::MinMaxHeap;
my $heap = Algorithm::MinMaxHeap[Int].new;
$heap.find-max.say # 8;
$heap.find-min.say # 0;
my @array;
@array.push($heap.pop-max) until $;
@array.say # [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
use Algorithm::MinMaxHeap;
use Algorithm::MinMaxHeap::Comparable;
# sets compare-to method using Algorithm::MinMaxHeap::Comparable role
my class State {
also does Algorithm::MinMaxHeap::Comparable[State];
has Int $.value;
has $.payload;
submethod BUILD(:$!value) { }
method compare-to(State $s) {
if $!value == $s.value {
return Order::Same;
if $!value > $s.value {
return Order::More;
if $!value < $s.value {
return Order::Less;
# specify Algorithm::MinMaxHeap::Comparable role as an item type
my $class-heap = Algorithm::MinMaxHeap[Algorithm::MinMaxHeap::Comparable].new;
$class-heap.insert( => 0));
$class-heap.insert( => 1));
$class-heap.insert( => 2));
$class-heap.insert( => 3));
$class-heap.insert( => 4));
$class-heap.insert( => 5));
$class-heap.insert( => 6));
$class-heap.insert( => 7));
$class-heap.insert( => 8));
$class-heap.find-max.value.say # 8;
$class-heap.find-min.value.say # 0;
my @array;
until $ {
my $state = $class-heap.pop-max;
@array.say # [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
Algorithm::MinMaxHeap is a simple implementation of double ended priority queue.
Defined as:
role Algorithm::MinMaxHeap[::Type] {}
my $heap = Algorithm::MinMaxHeap[Int].new;
my $heap = Algorithm::MinMaxHeap[Rat].new;
my $heap = Algorithm::MinMaxHeap[Algorithm::MinMaxHeap::Comparable].new;
Sets ::Type
parameter, where ::Type
is a type of nodes in the queue.
Use subset
for creating complex type constraints:
my subset MyCool of Cool where Int|Num|Rat;
my $heap = Algorithm::MinMaxHeap[MyCool].new;
Inserts an item to the queue.
my $max-value-item = $heap.pop-max();
Returns a maximum value item in the queue and deletes this item in the queue.
my $min-value-item = $heap.pop-min();
Returns a minimum value item in the queue and deletes this item in the queue.
my $max-value-item = $heap.find-max();
Returns a maximum value item in the queue.
my $min-value-item = $heap.find-min();
Returns a minimum value item in the queue.
while (not $ {
Returns whether the queue is empty or not.
Deletes all items in the queue.
Don't insert both numerical items and stringified items into the same queue.
It will cause mixing of lexicographical order and numerical order.
titsuki [email protected]
Copyright 2016 titsuki
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.
This algorithm is from Atkinson, Michael D., et al. "Min-max heaps and generalized priority queues." Communications of the ACM 29.10 (1986): 996-1000.