Releases: tjackenpacken/taskbar-groups
Releases Β· tjackenpacken/taskbar-groups
- The program is now one .exe with starting argument
- Added visual effect when hovering over shortcuts
- Support for drag and drop to add new shortcuts (in editor)
- Support to select an .exe as an icon. Extracts the icon of the chosen program
- Added keyboard hotkeys
- 1-9 starts individual shortcuts
- Ctrl+Enter starts all shortcuts (must be selected in group editor)
- Added user customization for:
- Color scheme
- Opacity
- Option to add start arguments to shortcuts
- Editable shortcut names
- Option to change the working directory for shortcuts
- Added support for shortcuts to:
- Windows Apps
- Folders
- .lnk shortcuts
- Steam apps
- Program Icon caching
- Backwards compability for groups created in older versions
- Optimization and code efficency
- Bug fixes
- Reworked UI for creating new groups
- Added functionality for editing existing groups
- Updated UI for file picker
- Changed initial directories for file picker
- Better support for smaller screen resolutions/scaling
- New icon, big thanks Darthagnon!
UI for creating new/editing existing groups:
- added support for vertical and top taskbars
- added support for multiple monitors
- added support for hidden taskbars
Makes it friendly to shortcuts on the desktop aswell as the taskbar