The PayFast PHP SDK provides an easy to use library for integrating PayFast payments into your project. This includes Custom Integration, Onsite Integration and all APIs.
PHP 7.2.5 and later.
See the Developer Docs
You can install the library via Composer. Run the following command:
composer require payfast/payfast-php-sdk
To use the library, use Composer's autoload:
Build a checkout form and receive payments securely from the PayFast payment platform.
try {
$payfast = new PayFastPayment(
'merchantId' => '10000100',
'merchantKey' => '46f0cd694581a',
'passPhrase' => '',
'testMode' => true
$data = [
'amount' => '100.00',
'item_name' => 'Order#123'
echo $payfast->custom->createFormFields($data, ['value' => 'PAY NOW', 'class' => 'btn']);
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'There was an exception: '.$e->getMessage();
Integrate PayFast’s secure payment engine directly into your checkout page.
// Include: <script src=""></script>
try {
$payfast = new PayFastPayment(
'merchantId' => '10000100',
'merchantKey' => '46f0cd694581a',
'passPhrase' => '',
'testMode' => false
$data = [
'amount' => '100.00',
'item_name' => 'Order#123'
// Generate payment identifier
$identifier = $payfast->onsite->generatePaymentIdentifier($data);
if($identifier!== null){
echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.payfast_do_onsite_payment({"uuid":"'.$identifier.'"});</script>';
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'There was an exception: '.$e->getMessage();
The Subscription Payments API gives Merchants the ability to interact with subscriptions on their accounts.
try {
$api = new PayFastApi(
'merchantId' => '10018867',
'passPhrase' => '2uU_k5q_vRS_',
'testMode' => true
$fetchArray = $api->subscriptions->fetch('2afa4575-5628-051a-d0ed-4e071b56a7b0');
$pauseArray = $api->subscriptions->pause('2afa4575-5628-051a-d0ed-4e071b56a7b0', ['cycles' => 1]);
$unpauseArray = $api->subscriptions->unpause('2afa4575-5628-051a-d0ed-4e071b56a7b0');
$cancelArray = $api->subscriptions->cancel('2afa4575-5628-051a-d0ed-4e071b56a7b0');
$updateArray = $api->subscriptions->update('2afa4575-5628-051a-d0ed-4e071b56a7b0', ['cycles' => 1]);
$adhocArray = $api->subscriptions->adhoc('290ac9a6-25f1-cce4-5801-67a644068818', ['amount' => 500, 'item_name' => 'Test adhoc']);
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'There was an exception: '.$e->getMessage();
The transaction history API gives Merchants the ability to interact with their PayFast account.
try {
$api = new PayFastApi(
'merchantId' => '10018867',
'passPhrase' => '2uU_k5q_vRS_',
'testMode' => true
$rangeArray = $api->transactionHistory->range(['from' => '2020-08-01', 'to' => '2020-08-07']);
$dailyArray = $api->transactionHistory->daily(['date' => '2020-08-07']);
$weeklyArray = $api->transactionHistory->weekly(['date' => '2020-08-07']);
$monthlyArray = $api->transactionHistory->monthly(['date' => '2020-08']);
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'There was an exception: '.$e->getMessage();
The credit card transaction query API gives Merchants the ability to query credit card transactions.
try {
$api = new PayFastApi(
'merchantId' => '10018867',
'passPhrase' => '2uU_k5q_vRS_',
'testMode' => true
$creditCardArray = $api->creditCardTransactions->fetch('1124148');
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'There was an exception: '.$e->getMessage();