Easy API to create Wordpress posttypes.
To install this package you have a couple of options.
require {
"tkj/posttype": "1.*"
Clone the git repository into your prefered destination in your theme directory and require the Posttype.php
in your functions.php
git clone [email protected]:tkjaergaard/Wordpress-Posttype.git
The API of this package is quite simple. Simply create a new instance of Tkj\Posttype
or use the facade Tkj\Posttype::make()
use Tkj\Posttype;
new Posttype($singular);
Argument | Required | Type | Description |
$singluar | True | String | Singular name of the post type |
$plural | Optional | String | Plural name of the post type. |
$options | Optional | Array | Array of options. |
$labels | Optional | Array | Array of labels. |
The options and labels array uses the same structure as Wordpress reqister_post_type() function.
The default options are pretty basic and shoud fit your needs in most cases.
'public': true,
'publicly_queryable': true,
'show_ui': true,
'show_in_menu': true,
'query_var': true,
'capability_type': 'post',
'has_archive': true,
'hierarchical': false,
'menu_position': null,
'supports': ['title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt']
The labes are generated from the singular and/or the plural arguments you use to create the post type. The labels are generated in english.
This package is released under the MIT license.
Thomas Kjaergaard @t_kjaergaard tkjaergaard.dk