- Pro
Ways to accelerate AES in a RISC-like CPU pipeline.
PYNQ support and examples for Kria SOMs
A scalable High-Level Synthesis framework on MLIR
Secure implementation of ECDSA against side-channel analysis and fault analysis attacks. The protocol is implemented on top of GMP, a big integer library.
The Riallto Open Source Project from AMD
Hands-on experience programming AI Engines using Vitis Unified Software Platform
Secure AES128 Encryption Implementation for ATmega8515
An alternative Vivado custom design example (to fully Vitis) for the User Logic Partition targeting VCK5000
A tool which profiles OpenCL devices to find their peak capacities
C/C++ frontend for MLIR. Also features polyhedral optimizations, parallel optimizations, and more!
Spatial: "Specify Parameterized Accelerators Through Inordinately Abstract Language"
PDK installer for open-source EDA tools and toolchains. Distributed with setups for the SkyWater 130nm and Global Foundries 180nm open processes.
An open-source static random access memory (SRAM) compiler.
Python Acquisition Script for Lecroy Oscilloscope