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Uses of DocTo in the wild

Air16 edited this page Mar 25, 2025 · 18 revisions

In the Wild

If you are using DocTo somewhere, please edit this page and leave details of what you are doing with it. If you need any additional features either Create a New Issue or send a pull request.

Agile Pain Relief Consulting

Convert workbooks authored as word documents to PDFs before printing so we get consistent repeatable results.

Internal system to convert Recipe Document .doc files to pdf's on the fly for downloading from website.

Hospital Landshut, Vilsbiburg, Rottenburg in Bavaria

Internal system to convert .docx files to pdf's on the fly for fast viewing.


TEALS is an organization bringing computer science education to US high schools. We're using this tool to automate the packaging of student curriculum assets for instructors (items such as handouts, quizzes, and exams).

P&V, Belgium

All our department documentation is stored in Word and Excel documents. It is not easy to perform a search of a word or a string in all our documentation. Thanks to DOCTO/XLSTO, we can generate a text file for each document and we can store a part (we take the first 2.000 chars) of the generated text files in a database. Through an application, we can then perform a quick search in the database.


Archive .doc/.docx files to .pdf files to view files on mobile device without Microsoft Word. Converting to pdf could maintain the layout of equations, tables, pictures, etc.

Kolej Profesional MARA, Malaysia

Converts lecturer's lesson plan from .doc/.docx to .pdf for manipulation on server-side.

Built a Node.js wrapper to use it in the Profound.js framework for client applications.

Chengdu.Sichuan.China. Preview docs and cells in a PC with out ms-office installed

We use DocTo to convert docx/doc/xlsx/xls to PDF and HTML as an "official way" (against use mammothjs/xlsx as an "Un-official way"), and pack the output file in a way then preview them in electron-app on a PC without office installed! DocTo is the best we've found which can adapt office "save as" function! Bravo!

AdvanceQC Canada

Use to convert office and text documents to PDF for native browser access. Wonderful utility!

Used on Windows Server to automatically convert .docx documents to PDF. It works very reliable and the author even added additional parameters that allow to convert to PDF/A and use the "Minimal Size" setting in MS Word. Thank you very much!

MGset ERP France

DocTo is used in an integrated document merger tool. Giving the possibility to merge PDF files with Word files on the fly.

Antora Office to PDF Extension

DocTo is used by the Antora Office to PDF Extension (npm package: @opendevise/antora-office-to-pdf-extension) to automatically convert office documents to PDF at build time. References to the office documents become references to the generated PDF in the published site. Antora is a static site generator for creating documentation sites.

France, personal use

Used to replace Pandoc (which is a great tool but requires a lot of additional setup to generate PDF), to automatically generate PDF from a home-made software I use to write my novels in .md format : my software (.md) -> Pandoc (.docx with own styling) -> DocTo (.pdf)