I modified and built on my existing library_management_system app to participate in the wonderful She Code Africa's backend channel challenge. This month's project was to build a book management api/app that can perform CRUD functions and I chose app. It also has the added feature of commenting/rating books and being able to view other people's comments and ratings. I am entering this repo in the Team Professor (Intermediate) category and the User story is as follows:
- User can add a book along with its details like author, title etc
- User can fetch/search for a book using the name of the author/title of the book
- User can fetch all books belonging to a particular category (genre)
- User can update a book's details
- User can delete a book along with its details
- User can add a comment/review a book.
- User can see all comments for a specific book
- User can see the books with the highest/lowest ratings and comments.
- User can create an Admin (this is acheived by ticking the checkbox 'is staff' using the Add User form.
- Admin user can regulate comments (delete irrelevant and inappropriate comments).
The site was deployed using Heroku and can be found here: https://tolu-book-management.herokuapp.com/