Interactive visualisation of water supply scenarios and outcomes:
The full site source code, including data and model outputs, is available to download:
Tom Russell, Mohammad Mortazavi-Naeini, Kayla Schulte, & Catharina Landström. (2019). Water Futures (Version v1.0.0). Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4680586
Water Futures is an educational visualisation tool aiming to communicate water resource management challenges (using WATHNET water supply scenario outputs) to members of the public, from secondary school students to adults with a general interest.
Water Futures has been developed at the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford in collaboration with Thames21.
- Catharina Landström (project lead, ECI)
- Edel Fingleton (project lead, Thames21)
- Mohammad Mortazavi-Naeini (modelling)
- Tom Russell (visualisation design, development and data processing)
- Kayla Schulte (web design and content)
Water Futures visualisation code is open source under the MIT license.
Thanks to the following open source libraries:
Abbey Mills Pumping Station, by Velella 2005 CC-BY-SA/data/images/catchment.png
Schematic of dendritic drainage basin, by Zimbres 2005 CC-BY-SA/data/images/desalination.jpg
London's desalination plant is on the site of the Beckton Sewage Treatment Works. Photo from Thames Water via Londonist 2015/data/images/distribution.jpg
Pipes, John Mann CC-BY-SA 2.0/data/images/groundwater.png
Ground-water flow paths vary greatly in length, depth, and traveltime from points of recharge to points of discharge in the groundwater system, by T.C. Winter, J.W. Harvey, O.L. Franke, and W.M. Alley (USGS, 1998) public domain./data/images/lee.jpg
Image of the River Lee at Olympic Park, Oast House Archive 2012 CC-BY-SA/data/images/littleton.jpg
Littleton Pumping Station, by Chris Allen 1997 CC-SA/data/images/reservoirs.jpg
Staines Reservoirs from the Air, Christine Matthews 2011 CC-BY-SA/data/images/thames.jpg
River Thames in London, 2017 CC0 from
View of the Aquafin waste water treatment plant of Antwerpen-Zuid, located in the south side of the conurbation of Antwerp, by Annabel 2009 CC-BY-SA/data/images/wrz.png
Water Resource Zones in Thames Water Supply Area, Thames Water 2015, from
contains parameters:
lists the demand scenariosinterventions.csv
lists the possible interventions (actions that could be taken)plans.csv
lists the plans modelled (each plan contains a combination of interventions)
contains model outputs, files named by climate (river flows) scenario,
demand scenario, action taken, and iteration:
contains summaries over model outputs:
compares plans under high demand, near future flows scenario (all realisations)summary-across-scenarios.csv
compares demand and future flow scenarios, under 'no change' plan (all realisations)
Model output CSV files have the following columns:
id | description |
date | Simulation date in format yyyy-mm-dd |
flow_windsor | Flow at Windsor (Ml) |
storage | Total London storage (Ml) |
shortfall_london | Total London shortfall (Ml) |
restrictions | Level of restrictions (0, 1, 2, 3 or 4) |
Model parameters and outputs are created by Water Futures, © Mohammad Mortazavi-Naeini and Tom Russell, made available as open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
contains catchment areas and water resource zones.
- e.g. properties:
{ "id": "ca:Cherwell, Thame and Wye", "name": "Cherwell, Thame and Wye", "region": "EA South East", "area": "West Thames"}
- e.g. properties:
- e.g. properties:
{ "id": "wrz:London", "name": "London", "company": "Thames Water", "popup": "<html content>" }
- e.g. properties:
Boundaries are derived from Water Resource Management Plans.
contains water system elements derived from OpenStreetMap, plus a synthetic
illustration of groundwater and distribution networks.
- e.g. properties:
{ "name": "River Thames", "popup": "<html content>" }
- e.g. properties:
- e.g. properties:
{ "id": 4, "name": "Beckton desalination plant", "popup": "<html content>", "type": "desalination" }
- or, for links:
{ "from": 8, "to": 1, "type": "link" }
- e.g. properties:
- e.g. properties:
{ "name": "Lee Navigation", "popup": "<html content>" }
- e.g. properties:
River system and reservoir locations are © OpenStreetMap contributors, open data licensed under the ODbL.
Synthetic groundwater and distribution networks are © Water Futures contributors, also released as open data licensed under the ODbL.