This Guide / Doc is still in progress come again to check updates ✅✅✅
- Technologies
- Demo accounts
- Usage warning
- App features
- App Images
- Currently available endpoints
- Project Setup
- create-next-app
- Engine Locking
- .nvmrc
- .npmrc
- Quality Tools
- eslint
- prettier
- Git Hooks with husky
- VS Code Configuration
- Settings
- Debugging
- Launch
- Cross env
- Project Setup
- Clone repo
- ENV configs
- Docker configs (optional)
- MongoAtlas
Unbridled Spirit is an e-commerce website that allow users to order Bourbon Online and have it delivered directly on their door.
Website | user | password |
Unbridled Spirit | [email protected] | demouser |
Paypal payment | [email protected] | demouser |
You can use your own Paypal account under your own risk but as an advice make sure that the paypal payment modal have .sandbox at the beginning of the URL. Example below ↴
- Improve code readability
- Segment pages in smaller components
- Goal-gradient in shopping path
- Peak–end rule plus reward
- Zeigarnik effect on checkout proccess
- Implement payment methods ✅
- Create and handle orders ✅
- Admin panel ✅
- Create and maintain products ✅
- ...
- Project Setup
- create-next-app
- Engine Locking
- .nvmrc
- .npmrc
- Quality Tools
- eslint
- prettier
- Git Hooks with husky
- VS Code Configuration
- Debugging
We'll just begin by following NextJS docs and creating a default Next.js application with a Typescript template.
yarn create next-app --typescript app-name
cd app-name
recommended to run build to verify that everything works
yarn dev
yarn build
We would like for all developers working on this project to use the same Node engine and package manager in order not to cause collisions and incompatibilities.
- .nvmrc tell other project devs which version of Node is used.
- .npmrc tell other project devs which package manager is used.
.nvmrc (make sure that .nvmrc match your current node version)
v14 | Maintenance LTS | Fermium | 2023-04-30 |
we should specify engine restrictions in package.json to make it work:
"name": "your-app-name",
"author": "YOUR_NAME",
"description": "app description, something like: initial NextJS and TS Setup ",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"license" : "MIT"
"homepage": "your_repo_url"
"engines": {
"node": ">=14.0.0",
"yarn": ">=1.22.0",
"npm": "please-use-yarn"
We'll be implementing two tools: eslint and prettier in order to set some basic code styles and best practices standard that every contributor or team member should follow.
ESLint will be easier because it comes installed and pre-configured with Next.Js using -create next-app-. We are just going to add a little bit of extra configuration and make it a bit stricter than it is by default.
"extends": ["next", "next/core-web-vitals", "eslint:recommended"],
"globals": {
"React": "readonly"
"rules": {
"no-unused-vars": [1, { "args": "after-used", "argsIgnorePattern": "^_" }]
You can test it out your config by running:
yarn lint
You should get this kind of message:
✔ No ESLint warnings or errors
Done in 1.23s.
Prettier will take care of automatically formatting our files for us and following certain configs that again should be followed by the team. It's just be needed in development mode so we need to add -D
yarn add -D prettier
We'll create two files in the root:
.prettierrc (here we configure what kind of styles conventions we'll use along the project)
"trailingComma": "es5",
"tabWidth": 2,
"semi": true,
"singleQuote": true
.prettierignore (just like any .ignore the following files will be ignored and not formatted)