This is how I would start a new PHP web application on PHP 8.3+, based on Slim 4 , Docker, Gulp, Webpack, PhpUnit, and pretty much everything I find useful.
- Slim Framework
- Docker setup with SSL support
- PhpUnit with basic unit and integration tests
- Composer scripts with PHP-CS and phpstan
- Gulp + Webpack for frontend workflow
- Serviceworker and Webmanifest
- Modern favicons setup
- Content-Security-Policy configuration file
- Customizable .htaccess configuration and build tool
- Custom error pages
- Dark mode support with JS theme switcher
- Postman collection
$ gh repo clone tomkyle/webapp-boilerplate
- More on Installation
- Prepare and use Docker container
- Setup Apache server configuration
- Frontend development
- Unit tests and Code analysis
$ bin/console list
$ bin/console help
Pull the latest stuff from repo; install dependencies without the development stuff.
$ git pull
$ bin/console install --no-dev
$ bin/console install --no-dev -v
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.