ARCHIVED Qlik Sense for Kubernetes is no longer an available product offering from Qlik
This project simplifies the deployment of Qlik Sense Enterprise for Kubernetes (QSEoK) on local Minikube. This can be used for testing, but should not be applied in production environment.
This ReadMe focuses on deployment in Windows, for MacOS guideline see README-MacOS
contains the deployment configuration for QSEoK. Depending on your custom configuration this file may contain secret details e.g. related to authentication setup. Caution is advised on shairng your custom configuration file to others.
Scripts and details are based on default deployment of Qlik Sense April 2019 as described in related Qlik Help pages.
- Qlik Sense Help
- Qlik Sense Enterprise on Kubernetes
- Prepare install
- Using Minikube
- Installing Qlik Sense Enterprise on Kubernetes
- Qlik Sense Enterprise signed license key
- Internet access
Check that virtualization is enabled on your client machine.
Run systeminfo
command in Powershell to confirm if virtualization is enabled on your computer.
If you see the following output, virtualization is supported on Windows.
If you do not get below details, please enable virtualization (VT-x feature) in BIOS settings.
Hyper-V Requirements: VM Monitor Mode Extensions: Yes
Virtualization Enabled In Firmware: Yes
Second Level Address Translation: Yes
Data Execution Prevention Available: Yes
Tools only need to be installed once, and only if not already installed.
- Open PowerShell terminal as Administrator
- Install Chocolatey package manager
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
- Install required tools
- Virtual box:
choco install virtualbox --yes
- Minikube:
choco install minikube --yes
- Kubectl:
choco install kubernetes-cli --yes
- Helm:
choco install kubernetes-helm --version 2.13.1 --yes --force
NOTE, forcing 2.13.1 due to
- Virtual box:
- Open PowerShell terminal
- Run
- Get Minikube IP address
minikube ip
- Update local host file to enable resolving Minikube IP to elastic.example.
Windows hostfile in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc to include row with IP from previous refering to elastic.example
<IP ADDRESS> elastic.example
- Browse to console https://elastic.example:32443/console/
- Apply license
- Browse to Hub https://elastic.example:32443
User: harley@qlik.example
Pwd: Password1!
- Terminated and remove minikube instance
minikube delete
Error: validation failed: error validating "": error validating data: unknown object type "nil" in`
This error appears during Qlik package installation, when using Helm 2.14. Issue can be reoslve by downgrading to Helm 2.13.1.
choco install kubernetes-helm --version 2.13.1 --yes --force
This project is provided "AS IS", without any warranty, under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details