a runner's workout logging tool in tcl/tk with sqlite db by Tony Baldwin
With runner's pace calculator to calculate pace, calories burned, and other relevant figures.
- Tcl/Tk
- SQLite3
TclRunlog is cross-platform. Win and Mac folks, get tcl from http://www.activestate.com/activetcl and SQLite3 from http://www.sqlite.org
Linux folks, install those with your favorite package manager (apt, yum, whatever). Make sure you install sqlite3, not sqlite (older, incompatible version, still available on Debian and some other repos, but sqlite3 is also available).
I may eventually package this up for win folks in tclkit so you'll just have an executable binary.
Released according to the Gnu Public License v.3 or later.
Wiki: http://wiki.tonybaldwin.me/doku.php/hax/tclrunlog
** Sat Feb 15 22:23:00 EST 2014 **
TclRunlog will now post to a redmatrix channel.
See author's runlog channel at https://tonybaldwin.info/channel/runlog
- Save year/month reports to db, export to plain text or other formats,
- posting of workouts, reports, to friendica, wordpress, livejournal, and other networks (possibly);
- Full text search of entries (setup in db, not in gui).
- Comparison with $thisdate - 1 year?
- The possibilities are endless.
This program would not exist were it not for the kind and thorough assistance of the tcl/tk community, especially http://wiki.tcl.tk and the irc channel #tcl on freenode.