Ever wish you could open dozens of parallel SSH sessions using one command within seconds? This is for you.
This script accepts the path to a file that contains a list of hostnames, then opens up the corresponding number of sessions in iTerm2 and ssh into each individual host.
The file passed in should contain just a list of server hostnames of IPs separated by newlines. No other information should be in the file.
- Mac
- iTerm2
Example hostfile:
Example: ./itermblast_ssh.sh <PATH_TO_HOST_FILE>
The script requires three variables:
- -profile
- -region
- -name_filter
The script then uses AWS cli to get a list of instances matching the name filters (--filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=${name_filter}"
), opens up the corresponding number of sessions in iTerm2, and use SSM to open a session to each individual host.
Required components:
- Mac
- iTerm2
- AWS cli
- AWS Session Manager Plugin
- Valid AWS profile
- jq
Example: ./itermblast_aws.sh -profile <PROFILE_NAME> -region <AWS_REGION_NAME> -name_filter <FILTER_STRING>