draft |
true |
- title
- author
- format: list(array) ['author-1', 'author-2']
- date:
- format: yyyy-mm-dd
- summary
- tags -
- format: list(array) ['tag-1', 'tag-2']
- categories
- format: list(array) ['category']
- category values: Engineering, HTAP, MySQL Scalability, Open Source Community
- image: /images/pingcap-opengraph.jpg
This is used to show the thumbnail shown in the social media platform.
- summary: PingCAP is focused on developing distributed NewSQL and is the team building TiDB, an open-source distributed NewSQL database.
This is for the description shown in the social media platform.
title: Blog Title
author: ['Author']
date: yyyy-mm-dd
summary: Blog Summary
tags: ['Tag1', 'Tag2']
categories: ['category']