This repository contains 2 example Dockerfiles which can be used as inspiration to build your own custom OpenFOAM Docker images.
I've included versions for & releases - both based on Ubuntu Focal (20.04 LTS), using the respective pre-compiled binaries.
The version installs the minimal OpenFOAM package plus the tutorials.
The version is installed without ParaView to slightly reduce the image size.
To build an image locally, download the Dockerfile of interest & open the location of the file in a terminal.
The following command will build a local Docker image called myopenfoam:v8.0
docker image build -t myopenfoam:v8.0 .
Once built, you can launch your custom OpenFOAM Docker image using the following command:
docker container run -ti --rm -v $PWD:/data -w /data myopenfoam:v8.0
Which will start an interactive session in your Docker container with your current working directory on your local filesystem mounted as /data
in your container. The container will be removed once you exit it.
These are just the briefest notes, for a deep-dive into using OpenFOAM with Docker see the full article.