A fuzzy picker for files, strings, help documents and many other things.
It ultilizes vim's native matchfuzzypos function and popup window feature.
- vim > 9.0
- The maintained version is written in vim9, but it also has a vim8 branch for older vim.
- any of grep, ag or rg for FuzzyGrep command
- vim-devicons (optional)
Any plugin manager will work.
For vim-plug
Plug 'Donaldttt/fuzzyy'
Command | Description | Default Keymap |
FuzzyGrep <args> | grep string in project. if argument is given, it will search the <args> | <leader>fr |
FuzzyFiles | search files in project | <leader>ff |
FuzzyHelps | search :help documents | <leader>fd |
FuzzyColors | search installed colorscheme | <leader>fc |
FuzzyInBuffer <args> | search lines in current buffer. if argument is given, it will search the <args> | <leader>fb |
FuzzyCommands | search commands | <leader>fi |
FuzzyCmdHistory | search command history | None |
FuzzyBuffers | search opened buffers | <leader>ft |
FuzzyHighlights | search highlights | <leader>fh |
FuzzyMRUFiles | search the most recent used files. set g:enable_fuzzyy_MRU_files = 1 to enable this command(not enable by default) | <leader>fm |
FuzzyGitFiles | like FuzzyFiles but only shows file in git project | None |
For FuzzyGrep and FuzzyInBuffer, you can define a keymap like this to search the word under cursor.
nnoremap <Space>f :FuzzyGrep <C-R><C-W><CR>
FuzzyGrep requires any of grep, ag or rg command.
FuzzyFiles uses find command in unix (if not found it will use vim's glob function, which is blocking) or powershell's Get-ChildItem in windows. (if fd is installed, it will be used)
Arrow keys or ctrl + p
/ ctrl + n
moves up/down the menu
ctrl + u
/ctrl + d
moves up/down the buffer by half page in preview window
ctrl + i
/ctrl + f
moves up/down the buffer by one line in preview window
you can set g:fuzzyy_keymaps
to change these defaults.
ctrl + k
toggle white preview background colorEnter
will copy selected highlight
ctrl + k
toggle global or project MRU files
FuzzyBuffers, FuzzyMRUFiles, FuzzyFiles, FuzzyGitFiles
ctrl + s
open selected file in horizontal splitingctrl + v
open selected file in vertical splitingctrl + t
open selected file in new tab page
you can set g:enable_fuzzyy_keymaps = 0
to disable default keymaps
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fb :FuzzyInBuffer<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fc :FuzzyColors<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fd :FuzzyHelps<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>ff :FuzzyFiles<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fi :FuzzyCommands<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fr :FuzzyGrep<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>ft :FuzzyBuffers<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fh :FuzzyHighlights<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fm :FuzzyMRUFiles<CR>
" Set to 0 to disable default keybindings
" Default to 1
let g:enable_fuzzyy_keymaps = 0
" Make FuzzyFiles respect .gitignore if set to 1
" only work when
" 1. inside a git repository and git is installed
" 2. or fd is installed
" Default to 0
let g:files_respect_gitignore = 1
" FuzzyFiles will exclude the files/directory in these two lists
" only work when g:files_respect_gitignore = 0
" The following is the default
let g:fuzzyy_files_ignore_file = ['*.beam', '*.so', '*.exe', '*.dll', '*.dump',
'*.core', '*.swn', '*.swp']
var g:fuzzyy_files_ignore_dir = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', '.rebar', '.eunit']
" Change navigation keymaps
" The following is the default
let g:fuzzyy_keymaps = {
\ 'menu_up': ["\<c-p>", "\<Up>"],
\ 'menu_down': ["\<c-n>", "\<Down>"],
\ 'menu_select': ["\<CR>"],
\ 'preview_up': ["\<c-i>"],
\ 'preview_down': ["\<c-f>"],
\ 'preview_up_half_page': ["\<c-u>"],
\ 'preview_down_half_page': ["\<c-d>"],
\ 'cursor_begining': ["\<c-a>"], " move cursor to the begining of the line in the prompt
\ 'cursor_end': ["\<c-e>"], " move cursor to the end of the line in the prompt
\ 'delete_all': ["\<c-k>"], " delete whole line of the prompt
\. 'delete_prefix': [], " delete to the start of the line
\ 'exit': ["\<Esc>", "\<c-c>", "\<c-[>"], " exit fuzzyy
\ }
" Change highlight of the matched text when searching
" Default to cursearch
let g:fuzzyy_menu_matched_hl = 'cursearch'
" Whether show devicons when using FuzzyFiles or FuzzyBuffers
" Requires vim-devicons
" Default to 1 if vim-devicons is installed, 0 otherwise
let g:fuzzyy_devicons = 1
" Whether enable dropdown theme
" Default to 0
let g:fuzzyy_dropdown = 0
" DEPRECATED: mru is always enabled
" now this option has no effect
let g:enable_fuzzyy_MRU_files = 1
" FuzzyMRUFiles default shows MRU files that are in the current project
" default to 0
let g:fuzzyy_mru_project_only = 0
" FuzzyBuffers will exclude the buffers in this list
" default to ['__vista__']
let g:fuzzyy_buffers_exclude = ['__vista__']
" window layout configuraton
" you can override it by setting g:fuzzyy_window_layout
" e.g. You can disable preview window for FuzzyFiles command by doing this:
" let g:fuzzyy_window_layout = { 'FuzzyFiles': { 'preview': 0 } }
" default value:
'FuzzyFiles': {
'preview': 1, " 1 means enable preview window, 0 means disable
'preview_ratio': 0.5, " 0.5 means preview window will take 50% of the layout
'width': 0.8, " 0.8 means total width of the layout will take 80% of the screen
'FuzzyGrep': {
'preview': 1,
'preview_ratio': 0.5,
'width': 0.8,
'FuzzyBuffers': {
'preview': 1,
'preview_ratio': 0.5,
'width': 0.8,
'FuzzyMRUFiles': {
'preview': 1,
'preview_ratio': 0.5,
'width': 0.8,
'FuzzyHighlights': {
'preview': 1,
'preview_ratio': 0.7,
'width': 0.8,